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select all text accross all frame sets?

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I am currently using Kword 1.6 and want to know if there is a way to select all text in all text frames across all frame sets.

I have a book in a PDF format, and would like to take it change it to a usable format I heard that Kword does a good job importing PDFs, it has certainly done a better job than anything else I have tried. The problem is that when I import this PDF it load each page into a separate text frame in a separate frame set. Each of these frames cuts off the last 2 -3 lines of text. When try to select all frames and adjust the size of the frames to accommodate the text I get an error saying the frame is bigger than the page (which it wasn't), for each of the 205 pages. When I close and reopen the document the text frames are only long enough to show the top line.

The only way around this problem that I have found so far is to copy the text and paste into a new document, one page at a time. Is there something I'm missing, some easier way to do this?


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