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Improved Jamendo support


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[Amarok] Improved Jamendo support

Sat May 02, 2009 1:07 pm
In 2.1 Amarok will gain a lot better support for Last.FM Radio (which has as of late become a paid service). On the other hand the Jamendo plugin is quite lacking.

First of all the implementation right now is missing a lot of albums that are otherwise on Jamendo -- Bug 178696.

For the past week or two I got most of my music fix from Jamendo[1] and this lead me to come up with some interestign ideas on how to improve the Amarok-Jamendo interaction:

Love/star albums -- Jamendo has a feature where you can not only love/star a track, but a whole album as well. The loved/starred albums are then listed in the user's profile. I imagine it would be possible to love/star an album from Amarok from a) a right-click menu on an album's song b) if all the tracks in the album where selected c) by a special button or shortcut (e.g. Mod4+Shift+L).

Search by loved/starred -- In most cases if a user stars/loves an album, he is particularly fond of it. So it only stands to reason that (s)he'd probably want to access to it easier. If it was possible to search for starred/loved albums and tracks in the Jamendo plugin, it would make it a lot easier for Jamendo users.

Better search -- Jamendo has a huge tag cloud. By just searching within those tags it's a nightmare to find something. The search would have to be improved somehow. Sadly, other then adding Jamendo's public voting/review score to the search options, I don't have any suggestions :

Jamendo Radio & Playlists -- While in the Last.FM plugin its radios are put in the forefront, the Jamendo plugin does neither support its radios nor its users' playlists nor its top 100. I suppose all of them work in roughly the same way, but I haven't looked at the API.

More interaction -- Apart from the above mentioned starring/loving feature, I think it would be great if it was possible to directly interact with Jamendo from Amarok in the way of a) adding tracks to your Jamendo playlist and b) writing a review for the album.

I'm sure Amarok could gain so much with a better interaction with Jamendo. And if I'm not mistaken, there's more then one Jamendo fan in the KDE family of devs and contributers ;)

[1] -- I started a personal experiment that I call "The Jamendo Experiment", which you can follow here

It's time to prod some serious buttock! ;)
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[Amarok] Improved Jamendo support

Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:51 pm
Should I move this post or is it OK here now that the Amarok forums have merged with the KDE's?

It's time to prod some serious buttock! ;)
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[Amarok] Improved Jamendo support

Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:56 am
I'm voting for this in hopes of getting convenient browsing and downloading (HTTP is a must, since Jamendo's torrents are rarely seeded). In 2.0.90, which I currently have installed, it was nothing but pain.
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[Amarok] Improved Jamendo support

Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:13 pm
Another idea would be to improve the service plasmoid so the user would be able to rate and comment in Amarok the Jamendo album (s)he's currently listening to.

It's time to prod some serious buttock! ;)


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