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Plasmashell freezes after a while and then everything freeze

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I'm using arch Linux, i first installed kde 5 three days ago .
at first plasma crashed every now and then (which is expected),
but it was a workable environment,
Since the 5.2.0 upgrade plasma stopped crashing and started freezing
mouse works, but everything else freezes after a while
first plasmashell and then everything else.

On the system monitor says "Process status sleeping - Process is waiting for something to happen"
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Can you check whether you have "kded5" running?

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Plasma FAQ maintainer - Plasma programming with Python
Registered Member
kded5 seems to be running , even after plasmashell freezes.
(actually twice , one for my user and ine for sddm)
Kded4 is also running.

Is there a way to get the logs at that time?
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Did you do anything particular before the freeze? Any process hogging the CPU? Best would be to switch to a VT (ctrl-alt-f1 or the like) and check the output of programs like top or similar.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Plasma FAQ maintainer - Plasma programming with Python
Registered Member
The freeze happens in about a minute after logging in.
No programs running and ksysguarg shows low cpu and memory load

I tried removing completely everything kde-like and reinstalling plasma 5 but the freeze still happens

This is a 15 minute journalctl log containg a restart, boot, log in nand eventual freeze

Code: Select all
Jan 30 15:01:39 arktouros kdeinit5[1129]: lock called
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros polkitd[290]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:1558:517313 (system bus name :1.62 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd-logind[268]: System is rebooting.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: wl0: link down (wlp8s0)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <warn>  Connection disconnected (reason -3)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros sddm[1027]: Authentication error: "Process crashed"
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros sddm[1027]: Auth: sddm-helper crashed (exit code 0)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros sddm[1027]: Authentication error: "Process crashed"
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros sddm[1027]: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros sddm[1027]: Socket server stopping...
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros sddm[1027]: Socket server stopped.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros sddm[1027]: Display server stopping...
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kdeinit5[1050]: kdeinit5: Fatal IO error: client killed
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kdeinit5[1051]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Exiting on read_socket errno: 11
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kded5[1046]: The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros polkitd[290]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:1558:517313 (system bus name :1.62, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros org.kde.kded5[1044]: klauncher: Exiting on signal 15
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros login[990]: pam_unix(login:session): session closed for user arktouros
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros login[990]: pam_systemd(login:session): Failed to release session: Interrupted system call
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <warn>  error requesting auth for (0) Authorization check failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <warn>  error requesting auth for org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.share.protected: (0) Authorization check failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <warn>  error requesting auth for (0) Authorization check failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros avahi-daemon[272]: Got SIGTERM, quitting.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros avahi-daemon[272]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface wlp8s0.IPv4 with address
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  caught signal 15, shutting down normally.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  (enp7s0): device state change: unavailable -> unmanaged (reason 'removed') [20 10 36]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros avahi-daemon[272]: avahi-daemon 0.6.31 exiting.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: activated -> deactivating (reason 'removed') [100 110 36]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now DISCONNECTING
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp7s0: link is not ready
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: Reject scan trigger since one is already pending
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: Trying to associate with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 (SSID='stalinwlan' freq=2412 MHz)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: Associated with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 completed [id=0 id_str=]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 [GTK=TKIP]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: EAPOL-Key Replay Counter did not increase - dropping packet
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: EAPOL-Key Replay Counter did not increase - dropping packet
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 [GTK=TKIP]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 [GTK=TKIP]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: EAPOL-Key Replay Counter did not increase - dropping packet
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: EAPOL-Key Replay Counter did not increase - dropping packet
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: EAPOL-Key Replay Counter did not increase - dropping packet
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=54:22:f8:21:3f:04 reason=0
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: Trying to associate with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 (SSID='stalinwlan' freq=2412 MHz)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT bssid=54:22:f8:21:3f:04 status_code=16
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: Trying to associate with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 (SSID='stalinwlan' freq=2412 MHz)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: Associated with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=54:22:f8:21:3f:04 reason=0
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: 4-Way Handshake failed - pre-shared key may be incorrect
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-SSID-TEMP-DISABLED id=0 ssid="stalinwlan" auth_failures=1 duration=10 reason=WRONG_KEY
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: Trying to associate with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 (SSID='stalinwlan' freq=2412 MHz)
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: Associated with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 completed [id=0 id_str=]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: EAPOL-Key Replay Counter did not increase - dropping packet
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: EAPOL-Key Replay Counter did not increase - dropping packet
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 54:22:f8:21:3f:04 [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=54:22:f8:21:3f:04 reason=3 locally_generated=1
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros wpa_supplicant[291]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopping Default.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Starting Shutdown.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopped target Default.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Reached target Shutdown.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopping Basic System.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopped target Basic System.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Starting Exit the Session...
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopping Sockets.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopped target Sockets.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Starting Shutdown.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Reached target Shutdown.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Starting Exit the Session...
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopping Paths.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopped target Paths.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopping Default.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopping Timers.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopped target Default.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Stopped target Timers.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopping Basic System.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopped target Basic System.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopping Timers.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopped target Timers.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopping Sockets.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopped target Sockets.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopping Paths.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Stopped target Paths.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[362]: Received SIGRTMIN+24 from PID 1587 (kill).
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[304]: Received SIGRTMIN+24 from PID 1586 (kill).
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[363]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user arktouros
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros systemd[305]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user sddm
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: [drm] enabling PCIE gen 2 link speeds, disable with radeon.pcie_gen2=0
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: [drm] PCIE GART of 1024M enabled (table at 0x0000000000274000).
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: WB enabled
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 0 use gpu addr 0x0000000040000c00 and cpu addr 0xffff880155583c00
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 3 use gpu addr 0x0000000040000c0c and cpu addr 0xffff880155583c0c
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 5 use gpu addr 0x0000000000072118 and cpu addr 0xffffc90010d32118
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: [drm] ring test on 0 succeeded in 1 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: [drm] ring test on 3 succeeded in 3 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros mkinitcpio[1565]: ==> Starting build: none
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros mkinitcpio[1565]: -> Running build hook: [sd-shutdown]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: [drm] ring test on 5 succeeded in 1 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: [drm] UVD initialized successfully.
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: [drm] ib test on ring 0 succeeded in 0 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros kernel: [drm] ib test on ring 3 succeeded in 0 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: deactivating -> unmanaged (reason 'removed') [110 10 36]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  (wlp8s0): deactivating device (reason 'removed') [36]
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros dhcpcd[1381]: received signal TERM from PID 266, stopping
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros dhcpcd[1381]: wlp8s0: removing interface
Jan 30 15:05:25 arktouros mkinitcpio[1565]: ==> Build complete.
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros kernel: [drm] ib test on ring 5 succeeded
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  (wlp8s0): canceled DHCP transaction, DHCP client pid 1381
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  (wlp8s0): DHCPv4 state changed unknown -> done
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  Removing DNS information from /usr/bin/resolvconf
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros sddm[1027]: Display server stopped.
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros sddm[1027]: Removing display 0 ...
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros sddm[1027]: Adding new display 0 on vt 1 ...
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros sddm[1027]: Adding cookie to "/var/run/sddm/:0"
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros sddm[1027]: Display server starting...
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros sddm[1027]: Running: /usr/bin/X :0 -auth /var/run/sddm/:0 -nolisten tcp -background none -noreset vt1
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros sddm[1027]: Signal received: SIGTERM
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros sddm[1027]: Display server stopping...
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros sddm[1027]: Display server stopped.
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now DISCONNECTED
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp8s0: link is not ready
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros NetworkManager[266]: <info>  exiting (success)
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros ntfs-3g[251]: Unmounting /dev/sda6 (Data)
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros systemd[1]: Shutting down.
Jan 30 15:05:26 arktouros kernel: watchdog watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
Jan 30 15:05:27 arktouros systemd-journal[159]: Journal stopped
Jan 30 15:05:47 arktouros systemd-journal[141]: Runtime journal is using 8.0M (max allowed 191.9M, trying to leave 287.8M free of 1.8G available β†’ current limit 191.9M).
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros systemd-journal[141]: Permanent journal is using 608.0M (max allowed 4.0G, trying to leave 4.0G free of 25.2G available β†’ current limit 4.0G).
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros systemd-journal[141]: Time spent on flushing to /var is 571.454ms for 2 entries.
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: Linux version 3.18.4-1-ARCH (builduser@tobias) (gcc version 4.9.2 20141224 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jan 27 20:45:02 CET 2015
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=4a2c1895-ffd8-448a-8f0a-4e724f207e0b rw quiet
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000087fff] usable
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000088000-0x00000000000bffff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000001fffffff] usable
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000020000000-0x00000000201fffff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000020200000-0x0000000040003fff] usable
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000040004000-0x0000000040004fff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000040005000-0x0000000090baffff] usable
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000090bb0000-0x00000000913affff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000913b0000-0x0000000099dbefff] usable
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000099dbf000-0x0000000099f2efff] type 20
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000099f2f000-0x000000009a0b4fff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009a0b5000-0x000000009a1befff] type 20
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009a1bf000-0x000000009aebefff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009aebf000-0x000000009afbefff] ACPI NVS
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009afbf000-0x000000009affefff] ACPI data
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009afff000-0x000000009affffff] usable
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000009b000000-0x000000009f9fffff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000e0000000-0x00000000efffffff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000feb00000-0x00000000feb03fff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fec00000-0x00000000fec00fff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fed10000-0x00000000fed19fff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fed1c000-0x00000000fed1ffff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000fee00000-0x00000000fee00fff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000ffb80000-0x00000000ffffffff] reserved
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x000000015f5fffff] usable
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: EFI v2.31 by INSYDE Corp.
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi:  ACPI=0x9affe000  ACPI 2.0=0x9affe014  SMBIOS=0x9aebef98
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem00: [Boot Code          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000001000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem01: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000001000-0x000000000006f000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem02: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000000006f000-0x0000000000070000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem03: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000070000-0x0000000000088000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem04: [Runtime Data       |RUN|  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000088000-0x00000000000a0000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem05: [Loader Data        |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000100000-0x0000000000f3c000) (14MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem06: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000000f3c000-0x0000000020000000) (496MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem07: [Reserved           |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000020000000-0x0000000020200000) (2MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem08: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000020200000-0x0000000037940000) (375MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem09: [Loader Data        |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000037940000-0x0000000037c98000) (3MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem10: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000037c98000-0x0000000040004000) (131MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem11: [Reserved           |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000040004000-0x0000000040005000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem12: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000040005000-0x0000000068f43000) (655MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem13: [Loader Data        |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000068f43000-0x000000008e3c0000) (596MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem14: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000008e3c0000-0x000000008e3e0000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem15: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000008e3e0000-0x000000008fbd4000) (23MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem16: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000008fbd4000-0x0000000090bb0000) (15MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem17: [Reserved           |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000090bb0000-0x00000000913b0000) (8MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem18: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000913b0000-0x00000000915a2000) (1MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem19: [Loader Code        |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000915a2000-0x00000000915bf000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem20: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000915bf000-0x00000000968b0000) (82MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem21: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000968b0000-0x00000000968dd000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem22: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000968dd000-0x00000000968f1000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem23: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000968f1000-0x0000000096962000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem24: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000096962000-0x0000000096963000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem25: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000096963000-0x0000000097325000) (9MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem26: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000097325000-0x000000009732b000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem27: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009732b000-0x000000009745f000) (1MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem28: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009745f000-0x0000000097460000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem29: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000097460000-0x0000000097462000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem30: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000097462000-0x0000000097463000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem31: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000097463000-0x000000009749d000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem32: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009749d000-0x00000000974a1000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem33: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000974a1000-0x00000000974a4000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem34: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000974a4000-0x00000000974a5000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem35: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000974a5000-0x00000000978f8000) (4MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem36: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000978f8000-0x00000000978fc000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem37: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000978fc000-0x00000000995bf000) (28MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem38: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000995bf000-0x00000000999f5000) (4MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem39: [Loader Data        |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000999f5000-0x00000000999ff000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:48 arktouros kernel: efi: mem40: [Boot Code          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x00000000999ff000-0x0000000099dbf000) (3MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem41: [Runtime Code       |RUN|  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000099dbf000-0x0000000099f2c000) (1MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem42: [Runtime Code       |RUN|  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000099f2c000-0x0000000099f2f000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem43: [Runtime Data       |RUN|  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000099f2f000-0x000000009a0b5000) (1MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem44: [Runtime Code       |RUN|  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009a0b5000-0x000000009a1bf000) (1MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem45: [Runtime Data       |RUN|  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009a1bf000-0x000000009a2ae000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem46: [Runtime Data       |RUN|  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009a2ae000-0x000000009a3bf000) (1MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem47: [Reserved           |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009a3bf000-0x000000009adf3000) (10MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem48: [Reserved           |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009adf3000-0x000000009aebf000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem49: [ACPI Memory NVS    |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009aebf000-0x000000009af91000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem50: [ACPI Memory NVS    |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009af91000-0x000000009afbf000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem51: [ACPI Reclaim Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009afbf000-0x000000009afe1000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem52: [ACPI Reclaim Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009afe1000-0x000000009afff000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem53: [Boot Data          |   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x000000009afff000-0x000000009b000000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem54: [Conventional Memory|   |  |  |  |   |WB|WT|WC|UC] range=[0x0000000100000000-0x000000015f600000) (1526MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem55: [Reserved           |   |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  ] range=[0x00000000000a0000-0x00000000000c0000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem56: [Reserved           |   |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  ] range=[0x000000009b000000-0x000000009fa00000) (74MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem57: [Memory Mapped I/O  |RUN|  |  |  |   |  |  |  |UC] range=[0x00000000e0000000-0x00000000f0000000) (256MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem58: [Memory Mapped I/O  |RUN|  |  |  |   |  |  |  |UC] range=[0x00000000feb00000-0x00000000feb04000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem59: [Memory Mapped I/O  |RUN|  |  |  |   |  |  |  |UC] range=[0x00000000fec00000-0x00000000fec01000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem60: [Memory Mapped I/O  |RUN|  |  |  |   |  |  |  |UC] range=[0x00000000fed10000-0x00000000fed1a000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem61: [Memory Mapped I/O  |RUN|  |  |  |   |  |  |  |UC] range=[0x00000000fed1c000-0x00000000fed20000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem62: [Memory Mapped I/O  |RUN|  |  |  |   |  |  |  |UC] range=[0x00000000fee00000-0x00000000fee01000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem63: [Memory Mapped I/O  |RUN|  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  ] range=[0x00000000ffb80000-0x00000000fff00000) (3MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem64: [Memory Mapped I/O  |RUN|  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  ] range=[0x00000000fff00000-0x00000000fff40000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: efi: mem65: [Memory Mapped I/O  |RUN|  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  ] range=[0x00000000fff40000-0x0000000100000000) (0MB)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: SMBIOS 2.7 present.
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: DMI: Dell Inc. Inspiron 3521/0N1XH2, BIOS A12 10/25/2013
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: e820: update [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff] usable ==> reserved
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: e820: remove [mem 0x000a0000-0x000fffff] usable
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: AGP: No AGP bridge found
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: e820: last_pfn = 0x15f600 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: MTRR default type: uncachable
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: MTRR fixed ranges enabled:
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   00000-9FFFF write-back
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   A0000-BFFFF uncachable
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   C0000-E7FFF write-protect
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   E8000-EFFFF write-combining
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   F0000-FFFFF write-protect
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: MTRR variable ranges enabled:
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   0 base 000000000 mask F80000000 write-back
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   1 base 080000000 mask FE0000000 write-back
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   2 base 09B000000 mask FFF000000 uncachable
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   3 base 09C000000 mask FFC000000 uncachable
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   4 base 0FFA00000 mask FFFE00000 write-protect
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   5 base 0FFC00000 mask FFFC00000 write-protect
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   6 base 100000000 mask F80000000 write-back
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   7 base 15F600000 mask FFFE00000 uncachable
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   8 base 15F800000 mask FFF800000 uncachable
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:   9 base 160000000 mask FE0000000 uncachable
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: e820: last_pfn = 0x9b000 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: Base memory trampoline at [ffff88000007e000] 7e000 size 24576
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff] page 4k
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: BRK [0x01b36000, 0x01b36fff] PGTABLE
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: BRK [0x01b37000, 0x01b37fff] PGTABLE
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: BRK [0x01b38000, 0x01b38fff] PGTABLE
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x15f400000-0x15f5fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x15f400000-0x15f5fffff] page 2M
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: BRK [0x01b39000, 0x01b39fff] PGTABLE
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x15c000000-0x15f3fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x15c000000-0x15f3fffff] page 2M
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x100000000-0x15bffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x100000000-0x15bffffff] page 2M
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: BRK [0x01b3a000, 0x01b3afff] PGTABLE
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00100000-0x1fffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x00100000-0x001fffff] page 4k
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x00200000-0x1fffffff] page 2M
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x20200000-0x40003fff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x20200000-0x3fffffff] page 2M
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x40000000-0x40003fff] page 4k
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: BRK [0x01b3b000, 0x01b3bfff] PGTABLE
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x40005000-0x90baffff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x40005000-0x401fffff] page 4k
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x40200000-0x909fffff] page 2M
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x90a00000-0x90baffff] page 4k
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x913b0000-0x99dbefff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x913b0000-0x913fffff] page 4k
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x91400000-0x99bfffff] page 2M
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x99c00000-0x99dbefff] page 4k
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x9afff000-0x9affffff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel:  [mem 0x9afff000-0x9affffff] page 4k
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: RAMDISK: [mem 0x37940000-0x37c97fff]
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Early table checksum verification disabled
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: RSDP 0x000000009AFFE014 000024 (v02 DELL  )
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: XSDT 0x000000009AFFE210 00009C (v01 DELL   CL09     00000001      01000013)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: FACP 0x000000009AFFB000 00010C (v05 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: DSDT 0x000000009AFEE000 009332 (v01 DELL   CL09     00000000 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: FACS 0x000000009AFB9000 000040
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: UEFI 0x000000009AFFD000 000236 (v01 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: ASF! 0x000000009AFFC000 0000A5 (v32 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: HPET 0x000000009AFFA000 000038 (v01 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: APIC 0x000000009AFF9000 00008C (v03 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: MCFG 0x000000009AFF8000 00003C (v01 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: SSDT 0x000000009AFED000 0006FE (v01 COMPAL CRV ORB  00001000 ACPI 00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: BOOT 0x000000009AFEB000 000028 (v01 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: ASPT 0x000000009AFE9000 000034 (v07 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: DBGP 0x000000009AFE8000 000034 (v01 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: FPDT 0x000000009AFE6000 000044 (v01 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: SSDT 0x000000009AFE5000 0008E4 (v01 COMPAL CRV ORB  00003000 ACPI 00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:49 arktouros kernel: ACPI: SSDT 0x000000009AFE4000 000A92 (v01 COMPAL CRV ORB  00003000 ACPI 00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: SSDT 0x000000009AFE1000 001EED (v01 COMPAL CRV ORB  00001000 ACPI 00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: BGRT 0x000000009AFE3000 000038 (v01 DELL   CL09     00000001 ASL  00040000)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: No NUMA configuration found
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Faking a node at [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000015f5fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: NODE_DATA(0) allocated [mem 0x15f5f6000-0x15f5f9fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:  [ffffea0000000000-ffffea00057fffff] PMD -> [ffff88015ac00000-ffff88015ebfffff] on node 0
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Zone ranges:
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   DMA      [mem 0x00001000-0x00ffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   DMA32    [mem 0x01000000-0xffffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   Normal   [mem 0x100000000-0x15f5fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Movable zone start for each node
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Early memory node ranges
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   node   0: [mem 0x00001000-0x00087fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   node   0: [mem 0x00100000-0x1fffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   node   0: [mem 0x20200000-0x40003fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   node   0: [mem 0x40005000-0x90baffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   node   0: [mem 0x913b0000-0x99dbefff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   node   0: [mem 0x9afff000-0x9affffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   node   0: [mem 0x100000000-0x15f5fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x00001000-0x15f5fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: On node 0 totalpages: 1018182
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   DMA zone: 64 pages used for memmap
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   DMA zone: 23 pages reserved
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   DMA zone: 3975 pages, LIFO batch:0
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   DMA32 zone: 9743 pages used for memmap
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   DMA32 zone: 623551 pages, LIFO batch:31
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   Normal zone: 6104 pages used for memmap
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:   Normal zone: 390656 pages, LIFO batch:31
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Reserving Intel graphics stolen memory at 0x9ba00000-0x9f9fffff
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x02] enabled)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x04] lapic_id[0x03] enabled)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x05] lapic_id[0x00] disabled)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x06] lapic_id[0x00] disabled)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x07] lapic_id[0x00] disabled)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x08] lapic_id[0x00] disabled)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x00] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 0, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: smpboot: Allowing 8 CPUs, 4 hotplug CPUs
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00088000-0x000bffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x000c0000-0x000fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x20000000-0x201fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x40004000-0x40004fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x90bb0000-0x913affff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x99dbf000-0x99f2efff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x99f2f000-0x9a0b4fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x9a0b5000-0x9a1befff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x9a1bf000-0x9aebefff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x9aebf000-0x9afbefff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x9afbf000-0x9affefff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x9b000000-0x9f9fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x9fa00000-0xdfffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xf0000000-0xfeafffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfeb00000-0xfeb03fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfeb04000-0xfebfffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfec01000-0xfed0ffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed10000-0xfed19fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed1a000-0xfed1bfff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1ffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfedfffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfee01000-0xffb7ffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xffb80000-0xffffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: e820: [mem 0x9fa00000-0xdfffffff] available for PCI devices
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:128 nr_cpumask_bits:128 nr_cpu_ids:8 nr_node_ids:1
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PERCPU: Embedded 30 pages/cpu @ffff88015f200000 s82880 r8192 d31808 u262144
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: pcpu-alloc: s82880 r8192 d31808 u262144 alloc=1*2097152
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 1002248
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Policy zone: Normal
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=4a2c1895-ffd8-448a-8f0a-4e724f207e0b rw quiet
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: xsave: enabled xstate_bv 0x7, cntxt size 0x340 using standard form
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: AGP: Checking aperture...
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: AGP: No AGP bridge found
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Calgary: detecting Calgary via BIOS EBDA area
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Calgary: Unable to locate Rio Grande table in EBDA - bailing!
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Memory: 3858668K/4072728K available (5479K kernel code, 908K rwdata, 1720K rodata, 1160K init, 1184K bss, 214060K reserved)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=8, Nodes=1
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:         RCU dyntick-idle grace-period acceleration is enabled.
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:         Dump stacks of tasks blocking RCU-preempt GP.
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:         RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=128 to nr_cpu_ids=8.
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=8
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: NR_IRQS:8448 nr_irqs:488 0
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: console [tty0] enabled
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: allocated 16777216 bytes of page_cgroup
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: please try 'cgroup_disable=memory' option if you don't want memory cgroups
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: hpet clockevent registered
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: tsc: Fast TSC calibration using PIT
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: tsc: Detected 1795.933 MHz processor
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3593.52 BogoMIPS (lpj=5986443)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Core revision 20140926
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: All ACPI Tables successfully acquired
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Security Framework initialized
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Yama: becoming mindful.
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Dentry cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Inode-cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Mount-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys memory
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys devices
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys net_cls
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys blkio
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: Set to 'normal', was 'performance'
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: mce: CPU supports 7 MCE banks
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: CPU0: Thermal monitoring enabled (TM1)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Last level iTLB entries: 4KB 512, 2MB 8, 4MB 8
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Freeing SMP alternatives memory: 20K (ffffffff81a07000 - ffffffff81a0c000)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Ignoring BGRT: invalid status 0 (expected 1)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ftrace: allocating 20921 entries in 82 pages
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: smpboot: CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz (fam: 06, model: 3a, stepping: 09)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: TSC deadline timer enabled
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: Performance Events: PEBS fmt1+, 16-deep LBR, IvyBridge events, full-width counters, Intel PMU driver.
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ... version:                3
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ... bit width:              48
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ... generic registers:      4
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ... value mask:             0000ffffffffffff
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ... max period:             0000ffffffffffff
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ... fixed-purpose events:   3
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ... event mask:             000000070000000f
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: x86: Booting SMP configuration:
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: .... node  #0, CPUs:      #1
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: NMI watchdog: enabled on all CPUs, permanently consumes one hw-PMU counter.
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel:  #2 #3
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: x86: Booted up 1 node, 4 CPUs
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: smpboot: Total of 4 processors activated (14373.10 BogoMIPS)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: devtmpfs: initialized
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem 0x9aebf000-0x9afbefff] (1048576 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: RTC time: 13:05:42, date: 01/30/15
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 16
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: cpuidle: using governor ladder
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: cpuidle: using governor menu
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support PCIe ASPM, so disable it
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: bus type PCI registered
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: acpiphp: ACPI Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.5
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-ff] at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] (base 0xe0000000)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PCI: MMCONFIG at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] reserved in E820
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: dmi type 0xB1 record - unknown flag
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Added _OSI(Module Device)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Device)
Jan 30 15:05:50 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Added _OSI(3.0 _SCP Extensions)
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Added _OSI(Processor Aggregator Device)
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Executed 1 blocks of module-level executable AML code
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF880158F3D000 00083B (v01 PmRef  Cpu0Cst  00003001 INTL 20130117)
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF880158F49400 000303 (v01 PmRef  ApIst    00003000 INTL 20130117)
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: SSDT 0xFFFF880158F16200 000119 (v01 PmRef  ApCst    00003000 INTL 20130117)
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Interpreter enabled
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI Exception: AE_NOT_FOUND, While evaluating Sleep State [\_S1_] (20140926/hwxface-580)
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI Exception: AE_NOT_FOUND, While evaluating Sleep State [\_S2_] (20140926/hwxface-580)
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5)
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-fe])
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC: OS supports [ExtendedConfig ASPM ClockPM Segments MSI]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: \_SB_.PCI0:_OSC invalid UUID
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: _OSC request data:1 1f 0
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_ERROR); disabling ASPM
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-fe]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000c0000-0x000c3fff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000c4000-0x000c7fff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000c8000-0x000cbfff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000cc000-0x000cffff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000dc000-0x000dffff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000e0000-0x000e3fff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000e4000-0x000e7fff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000e8000-0x000ebfff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000ec000-0x000effff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000f0000-0x000fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x9fa00000-0xfeafffff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:00.0: [8086:0154] type 00 class 0x060000
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0: [8086:0151] type 01 class 0x060400
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:02.0: [8086:0166] type 00 class 0x030000
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xc1000000-0xc13fffff 64bit]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0xb0000000-0xbfffffff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x20: [io  0x4000-0x403f]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:14.0: [8086:1e31] type 00 class 0x0c0330
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:14.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xc1600000-0xc160ffff 64bit]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:14.0: PME# supported from D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:14.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:16.0: [8086:1e3a] type 00 class 0x078000
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:16.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xc1614000-0xc161400f 64bit]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:16.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1a.0: [8086:1e2d] type 00 class 0x0c0320
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1a.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xc1619000-0xc16193ff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1a.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1b.0: [8086:1e20] type 00 class 0x040300
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1b.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xc1610000-0xc1613fff 64bit]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1b.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.0: [8086:1e10] type 01 class 0x060400
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.1: [8086:1e12] type 01 class 0x060400
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.1: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.1: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1d.0: [8086:1e26] type 00 class 0x0c0320
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1d.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xc1618000-0xc16183ff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1d.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1d.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.0: [8086:1e59] type 00 class 0x060100
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.2: [8086:1e03] type 00 class 0x010601
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x10: [io  0x4088-0x408f]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x14: [io  0x4094-0x4097]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x18: [io  0x4080-0x4087]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x1c: [io  0x4090-0x4093]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x20: [io  0x4060-0x407f]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 0x24: [mem 0xc1617000-0xc16177ff]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.2: PME# supported from D3hot
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.3: [8086:1e22] type 00 class 0x0c0500
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 0x10: [mem 0xc1615000-0xc16150ff 64bit]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 0x20: [io  0x4040-0x405f]
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: [1002:6840] type 00 class 0x030000
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xa0000000-0xafffffff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0xc0000000-0xc001ffff 64bit]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x20: [io  0x3000-0x30ff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 0x30: [mem 0xfffe0000-0xffffffff pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: supports D1 D2
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-06]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xc0000000-0xc0ffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xa0000000-0xafffffff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:07:00.0: [10ec:8136] type 00 class 0x020000
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 0x10: [io  0x2000-0x20ff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 0x18: [mem 0xc1404000-0xc1404fff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 0x20: [mem 0xc1400000-0xc1403fff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:07:00.0: supports D1 D2
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:07:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 07]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xc1400000-0xc14fffff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:08:00.0: [14e4:4365] type 00 class 0x028000
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:08:00.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xc1500000-0xc1507fff 64bit]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:08:00.0: supports D1 D2
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:08:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI bridge to [bus 08]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.1:   bridge window [mem 0xc1500000-0xc15fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 1 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 1 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 1 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 1 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 1 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 1 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 1 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 1 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Enabled 5 GPEs in block 00 to 3F
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI : EC: GPE = 0x17, I/O: command/status = 0x66, data = 0x62
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: vgaarb: setting as boot device: PCI:0000:00:02.0
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:00:02.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:01:00.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=none,locks=none
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: vgaarb: loaded
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: vgaarb: bridge control possible 0000:01:00.0
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: vgaarb: no bridge control possible 0000:00:02.0
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x00088000-0x0008ffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x40004000-0x43ffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x90bb0000-0x93ffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x99dbf000-0x9bffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x9b000000-0x9bffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x15f600000-0x15fffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: NetLabel: Initializing
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: NetLabel:  domain hash size = 128
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: NetLabel:  protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: NetLabel:  unlabeled traffic allowed by default
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hpet0: 8 comparators, 64-bit 14.318180 MHz counter
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Switched to clocksource hpet
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pnp: PnP ACPI init
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: [io  0x0680-0x069f] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: [io  0x1000-0x100f] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: [io  0xffff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: [io  0xffff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: [io  0x0400-0x0453] could not be reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: [io  0x0458-0x047f] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: [io  0x0500-0x057f] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: [io  0x164e-0x164f] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: [io  0xfd60-0xfd63] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:00: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pnp 00:01: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0b00 (active)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:02: [io  0x0454-0x0457] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:02: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs INT3f0d PNP0c02 (active)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pnp 00:03: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0303 (active)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pnp 00:04: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs DLL0598 PNP0f13 (active)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xfed1c000-0xfed1ffff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xfed10000-0xfed17fff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xfed18000-0xfed18fff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xfed19000-0xfed19fff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xfed20000-0xfed3ffff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xfed90000-0xfed93fff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xff000000-0xff000fff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xff010000-0xffffffff] could not be reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfeefffff] could not be reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: [mem 0x9fa00000-0x9fa00fff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:05: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:06: [mem 0x20000000-0x201fffff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:06: [mem 0x40004000-0x40004fff] has been reserved
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: system 00:06: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c01 (active)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pnp: PnP ACPI: found 7 devices
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: can't claim BAR 6 [mem 0xfffe0000-0xffffffff pref]: no compatible bridge window
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0xc0020000-0xc003ffff pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-06]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xc0000000-0xc0ffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0xa0000000-0xafffffff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 07]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.0:   bridge window [mem 0xc1400000-0xc14fffff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI bridge to [bus 08]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:1c.1:   bridge window [mem 0xc1500000-0xc15fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 4 [io  0x0000-0x0cf7]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 5 [io  0x0d00-0xffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 7 [mem 0x000c0000-0x000c3fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 8 [mem 0x000c4000-0x000c7fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 9 [mem 0x000c8000-0x000cbfff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 10 [mem 0x000cc000-0x000cffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 11 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 12 [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 13 [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 14 [mem 0x000dc000-0x000dffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 15 [mem 0x000e0000-0x000e3fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 16 [mem 0x000e4000-0x000e7fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 17 [mem 0x000e8000-0x000ebfff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 18 [mem 0x000ec000-0x000effff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 19 [mem 0x000f0000-0x000fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 20 [mem 0x9fa00000-0xfeafffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:01: resource 0 [io  0x3000-0x3fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:01: resource 1 [mem 0xc0000000-0xc0ffffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:01: resource 2 [mem 0xa0000000-0xafffffff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:07: resource 0 [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:07: resource 2 [mem 0xc1400000-0xc14fffff 64bit pref]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_bus 0000:08: resource 1 [mem 0xc1500000-0xc15fffff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 2
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: TCP established hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: TCP bind hash table entries: 32768 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 32768 bind 32768)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: TCP: reno registered
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: UDP hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 1
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci 0000:00:02.0: Video device with shadowed ROM
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: PCI: CLS 64 bytes, default 64
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Unpacking initramfs...
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Freeing initrd memory: 3424K (ffff880037940000 - ffff880037c98000)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: software IO TLB [mem 0x928b0000-0x968b0000] (64MB) mapped at [ffff8800928b0000-ffff8800968affff]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Simple Boot Flag at 0x44 set to 0x1
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: RAPL PMU detected, hw unit 2^-16 Joules, API unit is 2^-32 Joules, 3 fixed counters 163840 ms ovfl timer
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: microcode: CPU0 sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x17
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: microcode: CPU1 sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x17
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: microcode: CPU2 sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x17
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: microcode: CPU3 sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x17
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.00 <>, Peter Oruba
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Scanning for low memory corruption every 60 seconds
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: futex hash table entries: 2048 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Initialise system trusted keyring
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: HugeTLB registered 2 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: zpool: loaded
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: zbud: loaded
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: msgmni has been set to 7672
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Key type big_key registered
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: io scheduler noop registered
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: io scheduler deadline registered
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: io scheduler cfq registered (default)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pcieport 0000:00:01.0: irq 24 for MSI/MSI-X
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: pciehp: PCI Express Hot Plug Controller Driver version: 0.4
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: efifb: probing for efifb
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: efifb: framebuffer at 0xb0000000, mapped to 0xffffc90010800000, using 4160k, total 4160k
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: efifb: mode is 1366x768x32, linelength=5504, pages=1
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: efifb: scrolling: redraw
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: efifb: Truecolor: size=8:8:8:8, shift=24:16:8:0
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 170x48
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: fb0: EFI VGA frame buffer device
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: intel_idle: MWAIT substates: 0x21120
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: intel_idle: v0.4 model 0x3A
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: intel_idle: lapic_timer_reliable_states 0xffffffff
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: GHES: HEST is not enabled!
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Linux agpgart interface v0.103
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: rtc_cmos 00:01: RTC can wake from S4
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: rtc_cmos 00:01: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: rtc_cmos 00:01: alarms up to one month, 242 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Intel P-state driver initializing.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ledtrig-cpu: registered to indicate activity on CPUs
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: TCP: cubic registered
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 10
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: registered taskstats version 1
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel:   Magic number: 15:115:80
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: rtc_cmos 00:01: setting system clock to 2015-01-30 13:05:42 UTC (1422623142)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: PM: Hibernation image not present or could not be loaded.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 1160K (ffffffff818e5000 - ffffffff81a07000)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 8192k
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 652K (ffff88000155d000 - ffff880001600000)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 328K (ffff8800017ae000 - ffff880001800000)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: random: systemd-tmpfile urandom read with 2 bits of entropy available
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f13:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: bus type USB registered
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: usbcore: registered new device driver usb
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.0: EHCI Host Controller
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.0: debug port 2
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.0: irq 16, io mem 0xc1619000
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: libata version 3.00 loaded.
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1a.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: EHCI Host Controller
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: debug port 2
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: irq 23, io mem 0xc1618000
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: xHCI Host Controller
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: irq 25 for MSI/MSI-X
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 3-0:1.0: 4 ports detected
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: xHCI Host Controller
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 4-0:1.0: 4 ports detected
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ahci 0000:00:1f.2: version 3.0
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ahci 0000:00:1f.2: irq 26 for MSI/MSI-X
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 6 ports 6 Gbps 0x5 impl SATA mode
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq pm led clo pio slum part ems apst
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: scsi host0: ahci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: scsi host1: ahci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: scsi host2: ahci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: scsi host3: ahci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: scsi host4: ahci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: scsi host5: ahci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xc1617000 port 0xc1617100 irq 26
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata2: DUMMY
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xc1617000 port 0xc1617200 irq 26
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata4: DUMMY
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata5: DUMMY
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata6: DUMMY
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-pci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-pci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata3: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata3.00: ATAPI: MATSHITA DVD+/-RW UJ8E2, 1.01, max UDMA/133
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata3.00: configured for UDMA/133
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata1.00: ATA-8: TOSHIBA MQ01ABF050, AM0P1D, max UDMA/100
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata1.00: 976773168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ata1.00: configured for UDMA/100
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      TOSHIBA MQ01ABF0 1D   PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: scsi 2:0:0:0: CD-ROM            MATSHITA DVD+-RW UJ8E2    1.01 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 976773168 512-byte logical blocks: (500 GB/465 GiB)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 4096-byte physical blocks
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 1-1:1.0: USB hub found
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 1-1:1.0: 6 ports detected
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: sr 2:0:0:0: [sr0] scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: sr 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 2-1:1.0: USB hub found
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: hub 2-1:1.0: 6 ports detected
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel:  sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 sda5 sda6 sda7
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: usb 1-1.1: new full-speed USB device number 3 using ehci-pci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: usb 1-1.3: new high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: tsc: Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 1795.920 MHz
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver rtsx_usb
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: usb 1-1.4: new high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: EXT4-fs (sda7): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: random: nonblocking pool is initialized
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: Switched to clocksource tsc
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: EXT4-fs (sda7): re-mounted. Opts: data=ordered
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: wmi: Mapper loaded
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/device:01/PNP0C0C:00/input/input17
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Power Button [PWRB]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: input: Lid Switch as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0D:00/input/input18
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Lid Switch [LID0]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input19
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: shpchp: Standard Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.4
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: mei_me 0000:00:16.0: irq 27 for MSI/MSI-X
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000428-0x000000000000042f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000400-0x000000000000047f (\PMIO) (20140926/utaddress-258)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000540-0x000000000000054f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000055f (\_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP.GPIO) (20140926/utaddress-258)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000540-0x000000000000054f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x0000000000000563 (\GPIO) (20140926/utaddress-258)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000530-0x000000000000053f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000055f (\_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP.GPIO) (20140926/utaddress-258)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000530-0x000000000000053f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x0000000000000563 (\GPIO) (20140926/utaddress-258)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000052f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000055f (\_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP.GPIO) (20140926/utaddress-258)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000052f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x0000000000000563 (\GPIO) (20140926/utaddress-258)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery present)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI: AC Adapter [ACAD] (on-line)
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: r8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver 2.3LK-NAPI loaded
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: r8169 0000:07:00.0: can't disable ASPM; OS doesn't have ASPM control
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: r8169 0000:07:00.0: irq 28 for MSI/MSI-X
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: r8169 0000:07:00.0 eth0: RTL8105e at 0xffffc9000066a000, ec:f4:bb:90:37:06, XID 00c00000 IRQ 28
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input20
Jan 30 15:05:52 arktouros kernel: ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000004040-0x000000000000405f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000004040-0x000000000000404f (\_SB_.PCI0.SBUS.SMBI) (20140926/utaddress-258)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 29 for MSI/MSI-X
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: dcdbas dcdbas: Dell Systems Management Base Driver (version 5.6.0-3.2)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: sound hdaudioC0D0: autoconfig: line_outs=1 (0x14/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) type:speaker
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: sound hdaudioC0D0:    speaker_outs=0 (0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: sound hdaudioC0D0:    hp_outs=1 (0x21/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: sound hdaudioC0D0:    mono: mono_out=0x0
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: sound hdaudioC0D0:    inputs:
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: sound hdaudioC0D0:      Mic=0x19
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: sound hdaudioC0D0:      Internal Mic=0x12
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: input: HDA Intel PCH Mic as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input22
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: input: HDA Intel PCH Front Headphone as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input23
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=3 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input24
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: psmouse serio1: synaptics: Touchpad model: 1, fw: 8.1, id: 0x1e2b1, caps: 0xd00123/0x840300/0x26c00, board id: 2382, fw id: 1238635
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input21
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: wl: module license 'Mixed/Proprietary' taints kernel.
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: wl0: online cpus 1
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: wlan0: Broadcom BCM4365 802.11 Hybrid Wireless Controller (r487574)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: iTCO_vendor_support: vendor-support=0
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: r8169 0000:07:00.0 enp7s0: renamed from eth0
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: input: Dell WMI hotkeys as /devices/virtual/input/input25
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: iTCO_wdt: Intel TCO WatchDog Timer Driver v1.11
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: iTCO_wdt: Found a Panther Point TCO device (Version=2, TCOBASE=0x0460)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: iTCO_wdt: initialized. heartbeat=30 sec (nowayout=0)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: wl 0000:08:00.0 wlp8s0: renamed from wlan0
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: intel_rapl: Found RAPL domain package
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: intel_rapl: Found RAPL domain core
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: intel_rapl: Found RAPL domain uncore
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] Memory usable by graphics device = 2048M
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: checking generic (b0000000 410000) vs hw (b0000000 10000000)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: fb: switching to inteldrmfb from EFI VGA
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Console: switching to colour dummy device 80x25
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] Replacing VGA console driver
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: irq 30 for MSI/MSI-X
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 2 (21.10.2013).
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: vgaarb: device changed decodes: PCI:0000:00:02.0,olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=none:owns=io+mem
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [Firmware Bug]: ACPI(PEGP) defines _DOD but not _DOS
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Video Device [PEGP] (multi-head: yes  rom: no  post: no)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: input: Video Bus as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/device:2b/LNXVIDEO:00/input/input26
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: media: Linux media interface: v0.10
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: ACPI: Video Device [GFX0] (multi-head: yes  rom: no  post: no)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: input: Video Bus as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/LNXVIDEO:02/input/input27
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20140905 for 0000:00:02.0 on minor 0
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Linux video capture interface: v2.00
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] GMBUS [i915 gmbus vga] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 2
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: fbcon: inteldrmfb (fb0) is primary device
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: VGA switcheroo: detected switching method \_SB_.PCI0.GFX0.ATPX handle
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Bluetooth: Core ver 2.19
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 31
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (0c45:64ad)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: input: Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.4/1-1.4:1.0/input/input28
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: USB Video Class driver (1.1.1)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM43142A0-0a5c-21d7.hcd failed with error -2
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: patch brcm/BCM43142A0-0a5c-21d7.hcd not found
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 170x48
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: fb0: inteldrmfb frame buffer device
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: registered panic notifier
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0003)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] initializing kernel modesetting (TURKS 0x1002:0x6840 0x1028:0x0598).
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] register mmio base: 0xC0000000
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: [drm] register mmio size: 131072
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: vga_switcheroo: enabled
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: ATPX version 1, functions 0x00000033
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros kernel: fuse init (API version 7.23)
Jan 30 15:05:53 arktouros systemd-journal[141]: Journal started
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros mtp-probe[201]: checking bus 1, device 5: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.4"
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros mtp-probe[202]: checking bus 1, device 3: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.1"
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros mtp-probe[200]: checking bus 1, device 4: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.3"
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros mtp-probe[201]: bus: 1, device: 5 was not an MTP device
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros mtp-probe[202]: bus: 1, device: 3 was not an MTP device
Jan 30 15:05:51 arktouros mtp-probe[200]: bus: 1, device: 4 was not an MTP device
Jan 30 15:05:47 arktouros systemd-udevd[178]: starting version 218
Jan 30 15:05:54 arktouros ntfs-3g[256]: Version 2014.2.15 external FUSE 29
Jan 30 15:05:54 arktouros ntfs-3g[256]: Mounted /dev/sda6 (Read-Write, label "Data", NTFS 3.1)
Jan 30 15:05:54 arktouros ntfs-3g[256]: Cmdline options: rw
Jan 30 15:05:54 arktouros ntfs-3g[256]: Mount options: rw,allow_other,nonempty,relatime,fsname=/dev/sda6,blkdev,blksize=4096
Jan 30 15:05:54 arktouros ntfs-3g[256]: Ownership and permissions disabled, configuration type 7
Jan 30 15:05:54 arktouros systemd-fsck[216]: fsck.fat 3.0.27 (2014-11-12)
Jan 30 15:05:54 arktouros systemd-fsck[216]: /dev/sda2: 507 files, 60791/98304 clusters
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros systemd-logind[275]: New seat seat0.
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros systemd-logind[275]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event3 (Power Button)
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros systemd-logind[275]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event11 (Video Bus)
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros systemd-logind[275]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event1 (Power Button)
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros systemd-logind[275]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event10 (Video Bus)
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros systemd-logind[275]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event2 (Lid Switch)
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Found user 'avahi' (UID 84) and group 'avahi' (GID 84).
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Successfully dropped root privileges.
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: avahi-daemon 0.6.31 starting up.
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Successfully called chroot().
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Successfully dropped remaining capabilities.
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: ATOM BIOS: Dell/Compal
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] GPU not posted. posting now...
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: VRAM: 1024M 0x0000000000000000 - 0x000000003FFFFFFF (1024M used)
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: GTT: 1024M 0x0000000040000000 - 0x000000007FFFFFFF
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] Detected VRAM RAM=1024M, BAR=256M
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] RAM width 128bits DDR
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [TTM] Zone  kernel: Available graphics memory: 1965228 kiB
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [TTM] Initializing pool allocator
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [TTM] Initializing DMA pool allocator
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] radeon: 1024M of VRAM memory ready
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] radeon: 1024M of GTT memory ready.
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] Loading TURKS Microcode
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] Internal thermal controller without fan control
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] radeon: dpm initialized
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] GART: num cpu pages 262144, num gpu pages 262144
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] enabling PCIE gen 2 link speeds, disable with radeon.pcie_gen2=0
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] PCIE GART of 1024M enabled (table at 0x0000000000274000).
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: WB enabled
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 0 use gpu addr 0x0000000040000c00 and cpu addr 0xffff88008ffdec00
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 3 use gpu addr 0x0000000040000c0c and cpu addr 0xffff88008ffdec0c
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 5 use gpu addr 0x0000000000072118 and cpu addr 0xffffc90022032118
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 2 (21.10.2013).
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: radeon: MSI limited to 32-bit
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: irq 31 for MSI/MSI-X
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: radeon: using MSI.
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] radeon: irq initialized.
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] ring test on 0 succeeded in 1 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros kernel: [drm] ring test on 3 succeeded in 3 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Loading service file /services/sftp-ssh.service.
Jan 30 15:05:56 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Loading service file /services/ssh.service.
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Network interface enumeration completed.
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Registering HINFO record with values 'X86_64'/'LINUX'.
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Server startup complete. Host name is arktouros.local. Local service cookie is 2248533584.
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Service "arktouros" (/services/ssh.service) successfully established.
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Service "arktouros" (/services/sftp-ssh.service) successfully established.
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] ring test on 5 succeeded in 2 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] UVD initialized successfully.
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] ib test on ring 0 succeeded in 0 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] ib test on ring 3 succeeded in 0 usecs
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] ib test on ring 5 succeeded
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] Radeon Display Connectors
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: No connectors reported connected with modes
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes - going 1024x768
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] fb mappable at 0xA0475000
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] vram apper at 0xA0000000
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] size 3145728
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] fb depth is 24
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm]    pitch is 4096
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fb1: radeondrmfb frame buffer device
Jan 30 15:05:57 arktouros kernel: [drm] Initialized radeon 2.40.0 20080528 for 0000:01:00.0 on minor 1
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros sddm[279]: Initializing...
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  NetworkManager (version 1.0.0) is starting...
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Read config: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  WEXT support is enabled
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  VPN: loaded org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros sddm[279]: Starting...
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros sddm[279]: Adding new display 0 on vt 1 ...
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros sddm[279]: Adding cookie to "/var/run/sddm/:0"
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  VPN: loaded org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  VPN: loaded org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  VPN: loaded org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openconnect
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Loaded plugin keyfile: (c) 2007 - 2013 Red Hat, Inc.  To report bugs please use the NetworkManager mailing list.
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/outofyourreach
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/OTE9a70f2
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros sddm[279]: Display server starting...
Jan 30 15:05:58 arktouros sddm[279]: Running: /usr/bin/X :0 -auth /var/run/sddm/:0 -nolisten tcp -background none -noreset vt1
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Aegean
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/stalinwlan
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Vodafone Smart 4
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Oneiro
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Oxygen-81003
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Vodafone-03754
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Vaporia Wifi
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/stalinwlan-c5be9176-f22b-4fb3-bbc5-56d50d36ce5b
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  new connection /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/XPERIA sola_c35a
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  monitoring kernel firmware directory '/usr/lib/firmware'.
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  rfkill0: found WiFi radio killswitch (at /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.1/0000:08:00.0/ieee80211/phy0/rfkill0) (driver wl)
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  WiFi hardware radio set enabled
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  WWAN hardware radio set enabled
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Loaded device plugin: /usr/lib/NetworkManager/
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Loaded device plugin: /usr/lib/NetworkManager/
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Loaded device plugin: /usr/lib/NetworkManager/
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Loaded device plugin: /usr/lib/NetworkManager/
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Loaded device plugin: /usr/lib/NetworkManager/
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  WiFi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  WWAN enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  WiMAX enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Networking is enabled by state file
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (lo): link connected
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (lo): carrier is ON
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (lo): new Generic device (driver: 'unknown' ifindex: 1)
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (lo): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (enp7s0): carrier is OFF
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (enp7s0): new Ethernet device (driver: 'r8169' ifindex: 2)
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (enp7s0): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1
Jan 30 15:05:59 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (enp7s0): device state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed') [10 20 2]
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros kernel: r8169 0000:07:00.0 enp7s0: link down
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (enp7s0): preparing device
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (enp7s0): created default wired connection 'Wired connection 1'
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): using nl80211 for WiFi device control
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): new 802.11 WiFi device (driver: 'wl' ifindex: 3)
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed') [10 20 2]
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): preparing device
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1' unit='wpa_supplicant.service'
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1' unit='polkit.service'
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Successfully activated service 'fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1'
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  wpa_supplicant started
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros polkitd[297]: Started polkitd version 0.112
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0) supports 1 scan SSIDs
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: starting -> ready
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'supplicant-available') [20 30 42]
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: ready -> disconnected
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0) supports 1 scan SSIDs
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros polkitd[297]: Loading rules from directory /etc/polkit-1/rules.d
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros polkitd[297]: Loading rules from directory /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros polkitd[297]: Finished loading, compiling and executing 1 rules
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1'
Jan 30 15:06:00 arktouros polkitd[297]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 on the system bus
Jan 30 15:06:01 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: disconnected -> inactive
Jan 30 15:06:01 arktouros sddm[279]: Signal received: SIGUSR1
Jan 30 15:06:01 arktouros sddm[279]: Running display setup script  "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup"
Jan 30 15:06:01 arktouros sddm[279]: Display server started.
Jan 30 15:06:01 arktouros sddm[279]: Socket server starting...
Jan 30 15:06:01 arktouros sddm[279]: Socket server started.
Jan 30 15:06:01 arktouros sddm[279]: Greeter starting...
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros sddm-helper[308]: [PAM] Starting...
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros sddm-helper[308]: [PAM] Authenticating...
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros sddm-helper[308]: [PAM] returning.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros sddm-helper[308]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session opened for user sddm by (uid=0)
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd-logind[275]: New session c1 of user sddm.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user sddm by (uid=0)
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Starting Timers.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Reached target Timers.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Starting Sockets.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Reached target Sockets.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Starting Paths.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Reached target Paths.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Starting Basic System.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Reached target Basic System.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Starting Default.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Reached target Default.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros systemd[309]: Startup finished in 151ms.
Jan 30 15:06:02 arktouros sddm[279]: Greeter session started successfully
Jan 30 15:06:03 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Connected to the daemon.
Jan 30 15:06:03 arktouros sddm[279]: Message received from greeter: Connect
Jan 30 15:06:05 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
Jan 30 15:06:05 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: QObject::installEventFilter(): Cannot filter events for objects in a different thread.
Jan 30 15:06:05 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  startup complete
Jan 30 15:06:08 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
Jan 30 15:06:08 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: QObject::installEventFilter(): Cannot filter events for objects in a different thread.
Jan 30 15:06:08 arktouros kded5[324]: Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
Jan 30 15:06:08 arktouros kded5[324]: klauncher not running... launching kdeinit
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kdeinit5[329]: Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kdeinit5[329]: Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kdeinit5[329]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/bin/kbuildsycoca5" (pid 331) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros org.kde.kded5[322]: kbuildsycoca5 running...
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[331]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/lib/sddm/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[331]: checking file timestamps
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[331]: timestamps check ok
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[331]: Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ()
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kded5[324]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/lib/sddm/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kdeinit5[329]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/lib/sddm/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kdeinit5[329]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/lib/kf5/kconf_update" (pid 332) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kdeinit5[329]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/bin/kbuildsycoca5" (pid 333) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros org.kde.kded5[322]: kbuildsycoca5 running...
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[333]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/lib/sddm/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[333]: Reusing existing ksycoca
Jan 30 15:06:09 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[333]: Recreating ksycoca file ("/var/lib/sddm/.cache/ksycoca5", version 300)
Jan 30 15:06:10 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[333]: Still in the time dict (i.e. deleted files) ("apps")
Jan 30 15:06:10 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[333]: Menu "" not found.
Jan 30 15:06:10 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[333]: Saving
Jan 30 15:06:10 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[333]: Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ("apps")
Jan 30 15:06:10 arktouros kded5[324]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/lib/sddm/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:10 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/lib/sddm/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.UDisks2' unit='udisks2.service'
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros udisksd[335]: udisks daemon version 2.1.3 starting
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.UDisks2'
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros udisksd[335]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.UDisks2 on the system message bus
Jan 30 15:06:11 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.UPower' unit='upower.service'
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.UPower'
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: QDBusConnection: name 'org.freedesktop.UDisks2' had owner '' but we thought it was ':1.11'
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Message received from daemon: Capabilities
Jan 30 15:06:12 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Message received from daemon: HostName
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm[279]: Message received from greeter: Login
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm[279]: Reading from "plasma.desktop"
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm-helper[366]: [PAM] Starting...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm-helper[366]: [PAM] Authenticating...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm-helper[366]: [PAM] Preparing to converse...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm-helper[366]: [PAM] Conversation with 1 messages
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm-helper[366]: [PAM] returning.
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm[279]: Authenticated successfully
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm-greeter[313]: Message received from daemon: LoginSucceeded
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros sddm-helper[366]: pam_unix(sddm:session): session opened for user arktouros by (uid=0)
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Auto-activating connection 'stalinwlan'.
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: starting connection 'stalinwlan'
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none') [30 40 0]
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now CONNECTING
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [40 50 0]
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: (wifi) access point 'stalinwlan' has security, but secrets are required.
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: config -> need-auth (reason 'none') [50 60 0]
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <warn>  (wlp8s0): No agents were available for this request.
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: need-auth -> failed (reason 'no-secrets') [60 120 7]
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now DISCONNECTED
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <warn>  (wlp8s0): Activation: failed for connection 'stalinwlan'
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: failed -> disconnected (reason 'none') [120 30 0]
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros systemd[367]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user arktouros by (uid=0)
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): deactivating device (reason 'none') [0]
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Auto-activating connection 'stalinwlan'.
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: starting connection 'stalinwlan'
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none') [30 40 0]
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now CONNECTING
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [40 50 0]
Jan 30 15:06:18 arktouros systemd-logind[275]: New session c2 of user arktouros.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: (wifi) access point 'stalinwlan' has security, but secrets are required.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: config -> need-auth (reason 'none') [50 60 0]
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <warn>  (wlp8s0): No agents were available for this request.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: need-auth -> failed (reason 'no-secrets') [60 120 7]
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now DISCONNECTED
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <warn>  (wlp8s0): Activation: failed for connection 'stalinwlan'
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: failed -> disconnected (reason 'none') [120 30 0]
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): deactivating device (reason 'none') [0]
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <warn>  Could not get scan request result: Scan request rejected
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Starting Paths.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Reached target Paths.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Starting Sockets.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Reached target Sockets.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Starting Timers.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Reached target Timers.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Starting Basic System.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Reached target Basic System.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Starting Default.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Reached target Default.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros systemd[367]: Startup finished in 138ms.
Jan 30 15:06:19 arktouros sddm-helper[366]: Starting: "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsession" "/usr/bin/startkde"
Jan 30 15:06:20 arktouros sddm-helper[371]: Adding cookie to "/home/arktouros/.Xauthority"
Jan 30 15:06:20 arktouros sddm-helper[308]: [PAM] Ended.
Jan 30 15:06:20 arktouros sddm[279]: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully
Jan 30 15:06:20 arktouros sddm[279]: Greeter stopped.
Jan 30 15:06:20 arktouros sddm[279]: Session started
Jan 30 15:06:21 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:21 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:21 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:21 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:21 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:21 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:21 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
Jan 30 15:06:21 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
Jan 30 15:06:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/kbuildsycoca5" (pid 422) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[422]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/arktouros/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[422]: checking file timestamps
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Loading stage  "initial" 940
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[422]: timestamps check ok
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kbuildsycoca5[422]: Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ()
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/arktouros/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "kscreen"
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "ksysguard"
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "bluedevil"
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "statusnotifierwatcher"
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kdeinit5[418]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/arktouros/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:22 arktouros kdeinit5[418]: Initializing  "kcm_input" :  "kcminit_mouse"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[418]: Initializing  "kcm_access" :  "kcminit_access"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/arktouros/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/kaccess" (pid 423) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[418]: Initializing  "kcm_bell" :  "kcminit_bell"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[418]: Initializing  "kcm_style" :  "kcminit_style"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kaccess[424]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kaccess[423]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "networkmanagement"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "powerdevil"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Loading group  "yakuake"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Loading group  "ksmserver"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Loading group  "plasmashell"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Loading group  "KDE Keyboard Layout Switcher"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Loading group  "kwin"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Loading group  "kded5"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: "ktouchpadenabler_off" skipping because key "" is already taken
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Loading group  "krunner"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Loading group  "khotkeys"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: "{d03619b6-9b3c-48cc-9d9c-a2aadb485550}" skipping because key "" is already taken
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "ktouchpadenabler"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "baloosearchfolderupdater"
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Loading stage  "kded" 2392
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/lib/kf5/kconf_update" (pid 433) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:23 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Loading stage  "kcminit" 2583
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Loading stage  "confupdate" 2623
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: QDBusConnection: name 'org.kde.kglobalaccel' had owner '' but we thought it was ':1.9'
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Esc" for "kded5" : "Show System Activity"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Loading UPower backend...
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Success!
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Backend loaded, loading core
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Core loaded, initializing backend
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Using XRandR
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  4882
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: current screen brightness value:  4882
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: Configuring Lock Action
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Backend is ready, KDE Power Management system initialized
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+L" for "ksmserver" : "Lock Session"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Screensaver" for "ksmserver" : "Lock Session"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: A new battery was detected
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: XSync seems available and ready
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: XSync Inited
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Supported, init completed
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: XSync seems available and ready
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: XSync Inited
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: Supported, init completed
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Session path: "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c2"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: ACTIVE SESSION PATH: "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c2"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Current session is now active
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: fd passing available: true
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: systemd powersave events handling inhibited, descriptor: 18
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: systemd support initialized
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Got a valid offer for  "DPMSControl"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Monitor Brightness Up" for "kded5" : "Increase Screen Brightness"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Monitor Brightness Down" for "kded5" : "Decrease Screen Brightness"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Keyboard Brightness Up" for "kded5" : "Increase Keyboard Brightness"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Keyboard Brightness Down" for "kded5" : "Decrease Keyboard Brightness"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Keyboard Light On/Off" for "kded5" : "Toggle Keyboard Backlight"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Sleep" for "kded5" : "Sleep"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Hibernate" for "kded5" : "Hibernate"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: "Hibernate" : Failed to register  "Hibernate"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Power Off" for "kded5" : "PowerOff"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Core is ready, registering various services on the bus...
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Can't contact ck
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: We are now into activity  "default"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: () ()
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: () ()
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Loading profile for plugged AC
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Activity is not forcing a profile
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Profiles:  "AC" ""
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Can't contact ck
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: set screen brightness percentage:  100
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value max:  4882
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: set screen brightness value:  4882
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil:
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Loading timeouts with  300000
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Created alarm 23068673
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Created alarm 23068678
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Created alarm 23068679
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Created alarm 23068680
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Created alarm 23068681
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  4882
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Brightness changed!!
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: detected kglobalaccel restarting, re-registering all shortcut keys
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Unregistering key "Keyboard Brightness Up" for "kded5" : "Increase Keyboard Brightness"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Unregistering key "Keyboard Brightness Down" for "kded5" : "Decrease Keyboard Brightness"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Unregistering key "Keyboard Light On/Off" for "kded5" : "Toggle Keyboard Backlight"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: Created alarm 31457281
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: ksmserver: "/run/user/1000/KSMserver"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: ksmserver: KSMServer: SetAProc_loc: conn  0 , prot= local , file= @/tmp/.ICE-unix/435
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: ksmserver: KSMServer: SetAProc_loc: conn  1 , prot= unix , file= /tmp/.ICE-unix/435
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: ksmserver: KSMServer::restoreSession  "saved at previous logout"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Loading stage  "ksmserver" 3268
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: Session path: "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c2"
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.backendLauncher: Requested backend: ""
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.backendLauncher: Lookup paths:  ("/usr/lib/qt/plugins", "/usr/lib/kf5")
Jan 30 15:06:24 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.backendLauncher: Trying "/usr/lib/qt/plugins//kf5/kscreen/"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Detected XRandR 1.4
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Event Base:  89
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Event Error:  147
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.backendLauncher: Loading "XRandR" backend
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen: launcherDataAvailable: "org.kde.KScreen.Backend.XRandR"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  0 "/etc/xdg/autostart/baloo_file.desktop"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Config KScreen::Config(0x1212ec0) is ready
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Display" for "kded5" : "display"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Applying config
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Calculating config ID for KScreen::Config(0x1212ec0)
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded:         Part of the Id:  "48449360cfad3601d4f295b55e169caf"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded:         Config ID: "72c0145e05c553955921e7ee2b23c517"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Calculating config ID for KScreen::Config(0x1212ec0)
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded:         Part of the Id:  "48449360cfad3601d4f295b55e169caf"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded:         Config ID: "72c0145e05c553955921e7ee2b23c517"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Applying known config "72c0145e05c553955921e7ee2b23c517"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Finding a mode for QSize(1366, 768) @ 60.0444
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded:         Found:  "127"   QSize(1366, 768) @ 60.0444
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: doApplyConfig()
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: XRandR::setConfig
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: Output:  "LVDS1"  Size:  QSize(1366, 768)  Pos:  QPoint(0,0)
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: Disabled/Disconnected output:  "DP1"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: Disabled/Disconnected output:  "HDMI1"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: Disabled/Disconnected output:  "VGA1"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: Disabled/Disconnected output:  "VIRTUAL1"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: Requested screen size is QSize(1366, 768)
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: 1
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: Actions to perform:
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr:          Primary Output:  121
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr:          Change Screen Size:  false
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr:          Disable outputs:  false
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr:          Change outputs:  false
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr:          Enable outputs:  false
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xrandr: XRandR::setConfig done!
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/baloo_file" (pid 443) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Config applied
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Monitor for changes:  true
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  0 "/etc/xdg/autostart/krunner.desktop"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: OUTPUT CHANGE
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Output:  121
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: CRTC:  117
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Mode:  127
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Rotation:  "RR_Rotate_0"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Connection:  "RR_Connected"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Subpixel Order:  1
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen: Requesting missing EDID for outputs QSet(121)
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Change detected
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/krunner" (pid 445) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.12" newAppId= ":1.12" pendingAppId= "org.kde.krunner"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= "org.kde.baloo" newAppId= "org.kde.baloo" pendingAppId= "org.kde.krunner"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.13" newAppId= ":1.13" pendingAppId= "org.kde.krunner"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.14" newAppId= ":1.14" pendingAppId= "org.kde.krunner"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  0 "/etc/xdg/autostart/plasmashell.desktop"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: completeShutdownOrCheckpoint called
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: completeShutdownOrCheckpoint called
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/plasmashell" (pid 448) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= "org.kde.kwin" newAppId= "org.kde.kwin" pendingAppId= "org.kde.plasmashell"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Extensions: shape: 0x "11"  composite: 0x "4"  render: 0x "b"  fixes: 0x "50"  randr: 0x "14"  sync: 0x "31"  damage: 0x  "11"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Saving current config to file
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Calculating config ID for KScreen::Config(0x1212ec0)
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded:         Part of the Id:  "48449360cfad3601d4f295b55e169caf"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded:         Config ID: "72c0145e05c553955921e7ee2b23c517"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kscreen.kded: Config saved on:  "/home/arktouros/.local/share/kscreen/72c0145e05c553955921e7ee2b23c517"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.15" newAppId= ":1.15" pendingAppId= "org.kde.plasmashell"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  0 "/etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1.desktop"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+Space" for "krunner" : "run command"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+F2" for "krunner" : "run command"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Search" for "krunner" : "run command"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+Shift+F2" for "krunner" : "run command on clipboard contents"
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros krunner[445]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros krunner[445]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros krunner[445]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros krunner[445]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros krunner[445]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:25 arktouros krunner[445]: Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() instead.
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F12" for "plasmashell" : "show dashboard"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Q" for "plasmashell" : "manage activities"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Tab" for "plasmashell" : "next activity"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Shift+Tab" for "plasmashell" : "previous activity"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+S" for "plasmashell" : "stop current activity"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/lib/polkit-kde/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1" (pid 460) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.16" newAppId= ":1.16" pendingAppId= "*.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appName= "16"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.17" newAppId= ":1.17" pendingAppId= "*.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appName= "17"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: Trying to load decoration plugin:  "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/org.kde.kdecoration2/"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: completeShutdownOrCheckpoint called
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: completeShutdownOrCheckpoint called
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= "org.kde.KWin" newAppId= "org.kde.KWin" pendingAppId= "*.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appName= "KWin"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+F3" for "kwin" : "Window Operations Menu"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+F4" for "kwin" : "Window Close"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+A" for "kwin" : "Activate Window Demanding Attention"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Alt+Up" for "kwin" : "Switch Window Up"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Alt+Down" for "kwin" : "Switch Window Down"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Alt+Right" for "kwin" : "Switch Window Right"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Alt+Left" for "kwin" : "Switch Window Left"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.18" newAppId= ":1.18" pendingAppId= "*.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appName= "18"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.19" newAppId= ":1.19" pendingAppId= "*.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appName= "19"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kactivitymanagerd[467]: org.kde.kactivities.activities: Starting the KDE Activity Manager daemon QDateTime("2015-01-30 15:06:26.478 EET Qt::LocalTime")
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= "org.kde.ActivityManager" newAppId= "org.kde.ActivityManager" pendingAppId= "*.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appName= "ActivityManager"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.20" newAppId= ":1.20" pendingAppId= "*.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appName= "20"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+Esc" for "kwin" : "Kill Window"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+Shift+F12" for "kwin" : "Suspend Compositing"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+Tab" for "kwin" : "Walk Through Windows"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1[460]: New PolkitAgentListener  0x13bf720
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1[460]: Adding new listener  PolkitQt1::Agent::Listener(0x13d0da0) for  0x13bf720
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1[460]: Listener online
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+Shift+Backtab" for "kwin" : "Walk Through Windows (Reverse)"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+`" for "kwin" : "Walk Through Windows of Current Application"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+~" for "kwin" : "Walk Through Windows of Current Application (Reverse)"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: adding shift to the grab
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F1" for "kwin" : "Switch to Desktop 1"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F2" for "kwin" : "Switch to Desktop 2"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F3" for "kwin" : "Switch to Desktop 3"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1[460]: true
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1[460]: Invalid service name "/org/kde/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1" using: "/org/kde/polkitkdeauthenticationagent1"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  0 ""
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F4" for "kwin" : "Switch to Desktop 4"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: ksmserver: Autostart 0 done
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: kcminit not running? If we are running with mobile profile or in another platform other than X11 this is normal.
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: ksmserver: Kcminit phase 1 done
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: completeShutdownOrCheckpoint called
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  1 ""
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: ksmserver: Autostart 1 done
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+Del" for "ksmserver" : "Log Out"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Del" for "ksmserver" : "Log Out Without Confirmation"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PgDown" for "ksmserver" : "Halt Without Confirmation"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PgUp" for "ksmserver" : "Reboot Without Confirmation"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Loading second phase autoload
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  2 "/home/arktouros/.config/autostart/dropbox.desktop"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "solidautoeject"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "solidautoeject"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "kwrited"
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Loading stage  "wm" 5298
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros polkitd[297]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-session:c2 (system bus name :1.18 [/usr/lib/polkit-kde/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1], object path /org/kde/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8)
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros krunner[445]: Trying to use rootObject before initialization is completed, whilst using setInitializationDelayed. Forcing completion
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:06:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Initializing OpenGL compositing
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "kwrited"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "appmenu"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/dropboxd" (pid 476) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  2 "/etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio-kde.desktop"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "appmenu"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "khotkeys"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Choosing GLXFBConfig 0xab X visual 0xd1 depth 24 RGBA 8:8:8:8 ZS 0:0
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: Direct rendering: true
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Color correction: false
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Installing the delayed initialization callback.
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "khotkeys"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "keyboard"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: OpenGL 2 compositing successfully initialized
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-kde" (pid 477) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  2 "/etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11" (pid 482) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: Service:  2 ""
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Vertical Refresh rate  60 Hz
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/arktouros/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: Using FBConfig 0xb1 for visual 0xa4
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/arktouros/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kactivitymanagerd[467]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/arktouros/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kactivitymanagerd[467]: org.kde.kactivities.application: [   OK   ] loaded:   "Share-Like-Connect"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kactivitymanagerd[467]: Creating directory:  "/home/arktouros/.local/share/kactivitymanagerd/resources/"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: Fetched layout groups from X server:         layouts: ("us")         variants: ("")
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: Parsing xkb rules from "/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "blur"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: xkbConfigRegistry version "1.1"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "contrast"
Jan 30 15:06:27 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Session path: "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c2"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: "Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString."
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: "Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString."
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: "Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString."
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: Parsing xkb rules from "/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.extras.xml"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F11" for "kwin" : "Cube"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "cube"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: Merged from extra rules: 37 layouts, 0 models, 0 option groups
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: Configuring keyboard
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: configuring layouts false configuring options false
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: Fetched layout groups from X server:         layouts: ("us")         variants: ("")
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+K" for "KDE Keyboard Layout Switcher" : "Switch to Next Keyboard Layout"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: 1
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: Cleaning component shortcuts on load false
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: Registered for new device events from XInput, class 81
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: qCoreApp QApplication(0x7fff98b64380)
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kcm_keyboard: loginMode: ""
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded scripted effect:  "kwin4_effect_maximize"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Failed to open layout memory xml file for reading "/home/arktouros/.local/share/kded5/keyboard/session/layout_memory.xml" error: 5
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "keyboard"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "freespacenotifier"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "cubeslide"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "freespacenotifier"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "ktimezoned"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "ktimezoned"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "networkstatus"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded scripted effect:  "kwin4_effect_fade"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "dashboard"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded scripted effect:  "kwin4_effect_login"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F8" for "kwin" : "ShowDesktopGrid"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "desktopgrid"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded scripted effect:  "kwin4_effect_dialogparent"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "networkstatus"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "remotedirnotify"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kactivitymanagerd[467]: org.kde.kactivities.application: [   OK   ] loaded:   "Sqlite Feeder"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kactivitymanagerd[467]: org.kde.kactivities.application: [   OK   ] loaded:   "Activity Templates"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "highlightwindow"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "remotedirnotify"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: 2nd phase: loading "platformstatus"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "platformstatus"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: ksmserver: Kcminit phase 2 done
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[435]: ksmserver: Autostart 2 done
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Delayed initialization.
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded scripted effect:  "kwin4_effect_translucency"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Loading stage  "ready" 7188
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[485]: kscreen.backendLauncher: Requested backend: ""
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[485]: kscreen.backendLauncher: Lookup paths:  ("/usr/lib/qt/plugins", "/usr/lib/kf5")
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "kscreen"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[485]: kscreen.backendLauncher: Trying "/usr/lib/qt/plugins//kf5/kscreen/"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: true
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "logout"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "minimizeanimation"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Reloading the khotkeys configuration
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[485]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Detected XRandR 1.4
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[485]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Event Base:  89
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[485]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Event Error:  147
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[485]: kscreen.backendLauncher: Loading "XRandR" backend
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[485]: kscreen.backendLauncher: Failed to register as DBus service: another launcher already running?
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[485]: kscreen.backendLauncher: ""
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kernel: QXcbEventReader[468]: segfault at 7f98387fb3f9 ip 00007f98387fb3f9 sp 00007f982b75ee60 error 14
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kernel: QXcbEventReader[458]: segfault at 7f8d943d93f9 ip 00007f8d943d93f9 sp 00007f8d8733ce60 error 14
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kernel: QXcbEventReader[459]: segfault at 7f074e4753f9 ip 00007f074e4753f9 sp 00007f07413d8e60 error 14
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kernel:
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1' unit='rtkit-daemon.service'
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Version 2 File!
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F9" for "kwin" : "Expose"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F10" for "kwin" : "ExposeAll"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Launch (C)" for "kwin" : "ExposeAll"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+F7" for "kwin" : "ExposeClass"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "presentwindows"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 886, resource id: 54525957, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 890, resource id: 54525958, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Print" for "khotkeys" : "{2d0ac899-b88d-4b40-98a9-048afcf5ab2a}"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: true
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "screenedge"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: 2
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: 2
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "screenshot"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "slidingpopups"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "startupfeedback"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+=" for "kwin" : "view_zoom_in"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+-" for "kwin" : "view_zoom_out"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+0" for "kwin" : "view_actual_size"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Left" for "kwin" : "MoveZoomLeft"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Imported file "/usr/share/khotkeys/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Right" for "kwin" : "MoveZoomRight"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Up" for "kwin" : "MoveZoomUp"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+Down" for "kwin" : "MoveZoomDown"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+F5" for "kwin" : "MoveMouseToFocus"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Meta+F6" for "kwin" : "MoveMouseToCenter"
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1'
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Successfully called chroot.
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Successfully dropped privileges.
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Successfully limited resources.
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Running.
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Canary thread running.
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Watchdog thread running.
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Successfully made thread 499 of process 499 (/usr/bin/pulseaudio) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11.
Jan 30 15:06:28 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Successfully loaded built-in effect:  "zoom"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Imported file "/usr/share/khotkeys/defaults.khotkeys"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Imported file "/usr/share/khotkeys/kde32b1.khotkeys"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Imported file "/usr/share/khotkeys/printscreen.khotkeys"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Alt+F1" for "plasmashell" : "activate widget 2"
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros systemd-coredump[495]: Process 465 (kactivitymanage) of user 1000 dumped core.
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros systemd-coredump[503]: Process 452 (kactivitymanage) of user 1000 dumped core.
Jan 30 15:06:29 arktouros systemd-coredump[504]: Process 456 (kactivitymanage) of user 1000 dumped core.
Jan 30 15:06:32 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Jan 30 15:06:32 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Successfully made thread 517 of process 499 (/usr/bin/pulseaudio) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
Jan 30 15:06:32 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Jan 30 15:06:32 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Jan 30 15:06:32 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Successfully made thread 518 of process 499 (/usr/bin/pulseaudio) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
Jan 30 15:06:32 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
Jan 30 15:06:32 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.bluez' unit='dbus-org.bluez.service'
Jan 30 15:06:32 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.bluez.service': Unit dbus-org.bluez.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
Jan 30 15:06:32 arktouros ksysguardd[519]: cannot open config file '"/etc/ksysguarddrc"'
Jan 30 15:06:33 arktouros pulseaudio[499]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.systemd1.LoadFailed: Unit dbus-org.bluez.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
Jan 30 15:06:33 arktouros pulseaudio[524]: Daemon already running.
Jan 30 15:06:33 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Successfully made thread 524 of process 524 (/usr/bin/pulseaudio) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11.
Jan 30 15:06:33 arktouros rtkit-daemon[500]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
Jan 30 15:06:34 arktouros baloo_file[443]: "/home/arktouros/.local/share/baloo/file/" true
Jan 30 15:06:34 arktouros baloo_file[443]: "/home/arktouros"
Jan 30 15:06:34 arktouros baloo_file[443]: "/home/arktouros"
Jan 30 15:06:34 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Successfully opened connection to inotify: 25
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 46291
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 41943057 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Desktop β€” Plasma" ' : 46291
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation: No client active, allowing
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: KLauncher: launching new slave "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/" with protocol= "file" args= ("file", "local:/run/user/1000/klauncherLhX413.1.slave-socket", "local:/run/user/1000/plasmashellMTJ448.1.slave-socket")
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/" (pid 548) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: KLauncher: launching new slave "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/" with protocol= "trash" args= ("trash", "local:/run/user/1000/klauncherLhX413.1.slave-socket", "local:/run/user/1000/plasmashellLhX448.2.slave-socket")
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/" (pid 549) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: KLauncher: launching new slave "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/" with protocol= "desktop" args= ("desktop", "local:/run/user/1000/klauncherLhX413.1.slave-socket", "local:/run/user/1000/plasmashellnnS448.3.slave-socket")
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/" (pid 550) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: kf5.kded: Successfully loaded module "desktopnotifier"
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 53489
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 41943060 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' : 53489
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation: No client active, allowing
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Registering "org.kde.StatusNotifierHost-448" as system tray
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kdeinit5[549]: initialization OK, home trash dir: "/home/arktouros/.local/share/Trash"
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kdeinit5[549]: listdir:   QUrl( "trash:/" )
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: KLauncher: launching new slave "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/" with protocol= "file" args= ("file", "local:/run/user/1000/klauncherLhX413.1.slave-socket", "local:/run/user/1000/kio_desktopSLh550.1.slave-socket")
Jan 30 15:06:39 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/" (pid 563) up and running.
Jan 30 15:06:40 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Skipped method "moduleDeleted" : Pointers are not supported: KDEDModule*
Jan 30 15:06:40 arktouros kdeinit5[549]: 0 "Blackish.S01E11.HDTV.x264-LOL.mp4"
Jan 30 15:06:40 arktouros kdeinit5[549]: 0 "Modern.Family.S06E11.HDTV.x264-KILLERS.mp4"
Jan 30 15:06:41 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  4882
Jan 30 15:06:41 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value max:  4882
Jan 30 15:06:44 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+X" for "plasmashell" : "clipboard_action"
Jan 30 15:06:44 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Registering key "Ctrl+Alt+R" for "plasmashell" : "repeat_action"
Jan 30 15:06:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x2c39d00) true false false
Jan 30 15:06:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943060 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros ksplashqml[393]: Loading stage  "desktop" 24599
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: XCB error: 151 (BadDamage), sequence: 1603, resource id: 328, major code: 143 (DAMAGE), minor code: 2 (Destroy)
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 1604, resource id: 16777226, major code: 129 (SHAPE), minor code: 6 (Input)
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 1605, resource id: 16777226, major code: 2 (ChangeWindowAttributes), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 1609, resource id: 16777237, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.bluez' unit='dbus-org.bluez.service'
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.bluez.service': Unit dbus-org.bluez.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.bluez' unit='dbus-org.bluez.service'
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.bluez.service': Unit dbus-org.bluez.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Skipped method "moduleDeleted" : Pointers are not supported: KDEDModule*
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: Connections list
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/10"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/11"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/0"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/1"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/2"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/3"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/4"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/5"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/6"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/7"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/8"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:   "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/9"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Auto-activating connection 'stalinwlan'.
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: starting connection 'stalinwlan'
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none') [30 40 0]
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now CONNECTING
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [40 50 0]
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: (wifi) access point 'stalinwlan' has security, but secrets are required.
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: config -> need-auth (reason 'none') [50 60 0]
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: Connections list
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: Device list
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:    "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:    "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt:    "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.ModemManager1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service'
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service': Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.ModemManager1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service'
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service': Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Failed enumerating MM objects: "org.freedesktop.systemd1.LoadFailed"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: void NetworkManager::NetworkManagerPrivate::propertiesChanged(const QVariantMap&) Unhandled property "Devices"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: "NetworkingEnabled" true
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: void NetworkManager::NetworkManagerPrivate::propertiesChanged(const QVariantMap&) Unhandled property "PrimaryConnectionType"
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: "WimaxEnabled" true
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: "WimaxHardwareEnabled" true
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: "WirelessEnabled" true
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: "WirelessHardwareEnabled" true
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: "WwanEnabled" true
Jan 30 15:06:46 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: "WwanHardwareEnabled" true
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: plasma-nm: virtual NMVariantMapMap SecretAgent::GetSecrets(const NMVariantMapMap&, const QDBusObjectPath&, const QString&, const QStringList&, uint)
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: plasma-nm: Path: "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/3"
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: plasma-nm: Setting name: "802-11-wireless-security"
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: plasma-nm: Hints: ()
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: plasma-nm: Flags: 1
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: The kwalletd service has been registered
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: "Using saveLocation /home/arktouros/.local/share/kwalletd"
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: kwalletd5 started
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: openAsync for  ":1.4"
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: "Using saveLocation /home/arktouros/.local/share/kwalletd"
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: "Using saveLocation /home/arktouros/.local/share/kwalletd"
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: plasma-nm: bool SecretAgent::processGetSecrets(SecretsRequest&) const Waiting for the wallet to open
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: QDBusConnection: name 'org.kde.kwalletd5' had owner '' but we thought it was ':1.29'
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: "Using saveLocation /home/arktouros/.local/share/kwalletd"
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: Setting useNewHash to true
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros baloo_file[443]: XSync seems available and ready
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros baloo_file[443]: XSync Inited
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Supported, init completed
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Normal
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: Wallet new enough, using new hash
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: fsize:  2486151338  encrypted.size():  6488  blksz:  8
Jan 30 15:06:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: Application ' "kded5" ' using kwallet without parent window!
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 4294967295
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 16777221 ;WMCLASS: "kwalletd5" : "kwalletd5" ;Caption: "KDE Wallet Service β€” KDE Wallet Service" ' : 66191
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation: No client active, allowing
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: Migration agent starting...
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: old wallets were already migrated
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: Migration agent stop.
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:06:48 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: Using FBConfig 0xac for visual 0xd2
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/VoiceRecognitionService/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/VoiceRecognitionService/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/VoiceRecognitionService/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/VoiceRecognitionService/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/VoiceRecognitionService/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/VoiceRecognitionService/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/VoiceRecognitionService/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/VoiceRecognitionService/src/com/example/android/voicerecognitionservice" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/res/anim" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Wiktionary/src/com/example/android/wiktionary" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/values-de-rDE" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/values-cs" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/values-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/layout-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/color" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/drawable-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/values-nl-rNL" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/values-es-rUS" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/drawable-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/layout-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/anim" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Home/src/com/example/android/home" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/tests" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/tests/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/tests/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/tests/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/tests/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/tests/src/com/example/android/skeletonapp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SkeletonApp/src/com/example/android/skeletonapp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/AdbTest" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/MissileLauncher" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/MissileLauncher/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/MissileLauncher/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/MissileLauncher/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/MissileLauncher/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/MissileLauncher/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/MissileLauncher/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/MissileLauncher/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/MissileLauncher/src/com/android/missilelauncher" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/AdbTest/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/AdbTest/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:03 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/AdbTest/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/AdbTest/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/AdbTest/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/AdbTest/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/USB/AdbTest/src/com/android/adb" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BluetoothChat/src/com/example/android/BluetoothChat" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BackupRestore/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BackupRestore/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BackupRestore/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BackupRestore/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BackupRestore/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BackupRestore/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BackupRestore/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BackupRestore/src/com/example/android/backuprestore" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Fountain" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloWorld" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Balls" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples/res/raw" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples/src/com/example/android/rs" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/MiscSamples/src/com/example/android/rs/miscsamples" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Balls/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Balls/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Balls/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Balls/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Balls/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Balls/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloWorld/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloWorld/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloWorld/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloWorld/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloWorld/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloWorld/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloWorld/src/com/example/android/rs" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloWorld/src/com/example/android/rs/helloworld" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Fountain/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Fountain/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Fountain/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Fountain/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Fountain/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Fountain/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Fountain/src/com/example/android/rs" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/Fountain/src/com/example/android/rs/fountain" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com/example/android/rs" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com/example/android/rs/hellocompute" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/res/values-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/res/values-xlarge" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/res/values-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WidgetPreview/src/com/android/widgetpreview" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/WiktionarySimple/src/com/example/android/simplewiktionary" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/XmlAdapters/src/com/example/android/xmladapters" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/res/values-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SoftKeyboard/src/com/example/android/softkeyboard" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/values-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable-nodpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/layout-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/HoneycombGallery/src/com/example/android/hcgallery" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Spinner/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Spinner/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Spinner/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Spinner/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Spinner/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Spinner/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Spinner/src/com/android/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Spinner/src/com/android/example/spinner" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeMain/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeMain/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeMain/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeMain/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeMain/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeMain/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeMain/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeMain/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeMain/src/com/example/android/tictactoe" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SipDemo/src/com/example/android/sip" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/tests" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/tests/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/tests/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/tests/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/tests/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/tests/src/com/example/android/snake" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/Snake/src/com/example/android/snake" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/res/raw" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SearchableDictionary/src/com/example/android/searchabledict" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SpinnerTest/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SpinnerTest/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SpinnerTest/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SpinnerTest/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SpinnerTest/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SpinnerTest/src/com/android/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SpinnerTest/src/com/android/example/spinner" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SpinnerTest/src/com/android/example/spinner/test" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/ContactManager/src/com/example/android/contactmanager" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/tests" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/tests/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/tests/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/tests/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/tests/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/tests/src/com/example/android/lunarlander" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/res/drawable-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/res/drawable-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/LunarLander/src/com/example/android/lunarlander" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:04 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/AccessibilityService/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/AccessibilityService/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/AccessibilityService/res/raw" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/AccessibilityService/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/AccessibilityService/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/AccessibilityService/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/AccessibilityService/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/AccessibilityService/src/com/example/android/clockback" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BasicGLSurfaceView/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BasicGLSurfaceView/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BasicGLSurfaceView/res/raw" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BasicGLSurfaceView/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BasicGLSurfaceView/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BasicGLSurfaceView/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BasicGLSurfaceView/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/BasicGLSurfaceView/src/com/example/android/basicglsurfaceview" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/res/layout-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/src/com/example/android/tictactoe" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/TicTacToeLib/src/com/example/android/tictactoe/library" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/graphics" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/src/com/android/gesture" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/GestureBuilder/src/com/android/gesture/builder" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/samplesyncadapter_server" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/tests" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/tests/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/tests/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/tests/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/tests/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/tests/src/com/example/android/samplesync" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/tests/src/com/example/android/samplesync/authenticator" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/tests/src/com/example/android/samplesync/client" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/samplesyncadapter_server/model" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/samplesyncadapter_server/templates" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/src/com/example/android/samplesync" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/src/com/example/android/samplesync/platform" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/src/com/example/android/samplesync/syncadapter" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/src/com/example/android/samplesync/authenticator" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/SampleSyncAdapter/src/com/example/android/samplesync/client" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/src/com/example/android/livecubes" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/src/com/example/android/livecubes/cube2" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-12/CubeLiveWallpaper/src/com/example/android/livecubes/cube1" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CubeLiveWallpaper" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RandomMusicPlayer" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SampleSyncAdapter" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/GestureBuilder" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/TicTacToeLib" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BasicGLSurfaceView" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/LunarLander" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ContactManager" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpinnerTest" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SearchableDictionary" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Snake" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/TtsEngine" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SipDemo" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/TicTacToeMain" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Spinner" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BackupRestore" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoiceRecognitionService" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/tests" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/tests/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/tests/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/tests/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/tests/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/tests/src/com/example/android/notepad" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/NotePad/src/com/example/android/notepad" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/CrossCompatibility/src/com/example/android/touchexample" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/assets" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/KeyChainDemo/src/com/example/android/keychain" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/layout-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/drawable-hdpi-v6" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/drawable-mdpi-v6" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/drawable-ldpi-v6" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/MultiResolution/src/com/example/android/multires" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/assets" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/tests" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/tests/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/tests/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/tests/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/tests/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/tests/src/com/example/android/apis" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/tests/src/com/example/android/apis/app" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/tests/src/com/example/android/apis/os" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/tests/src/com/example/android/apis/view" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-v13" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-xlarge" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-v11" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/animator" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-xhdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-sw720dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-h974dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-w1024dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/raw" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-v16" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/drawable-nodpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-sw600dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/drawable-xhdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-h550dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-sw480dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-h670dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/anim" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-w600dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-v14" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/values-sw600dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/layout-w720dp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/assets/fonts" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/graphics" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/content" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/accessibility" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/preference" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/nfc" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/appwidget" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/os" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/media" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/text" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/graphics/kube" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/graphics/spritetext" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/res/drawable-nodpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/res/values-v14" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WeatherListWidget/src/com/example/android/weatherlistwidget" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/JETBOY_content" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/JETBOY_content/JETBOY_Music.logic" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/JETBOY_content/JETBOY_Music.logic/LgDoc" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/res/raw" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/JetBoy/src/com/example/android/jetboy" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example/android/voicemail" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example/android/voicemail/common" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example/android/voicemail/common/inject" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example/android/voicemail/common/ui" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example/android/voicemail/common/core" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example/android/voicemail/common/utils" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoicemailProviderDemo/src/com/example/android/voicemail/common/logging" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:05 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AccelerometerPlay/src/com/example/android/accelerometerplay" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/assets" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/layout-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/layout-large" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/drawable-xhdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiFiDirectDemo/src/com/example/android/wifidirect" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoiceRecognitionService/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoiceRecognitionService/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoiceRecognitionService/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoiceRecognitionService/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoiceRecognitionService/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoiceRecognitionService/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoiceRecognitionService/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/VoiceRecognitionService/src/com/example/android/voicerecognitionservice" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/res/anim" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Wiktionary/src/com/example/android/wiktionary" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/values-de-rDE" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/values-cs" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/values-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/layout-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/color" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/drawable-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/values-nl-rNL" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/values-es-rUS" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/drawable-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/layout-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/anim" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Home/src/com/example/android/home" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/tests" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/tests/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/tests/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/tests/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/tests/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/tests/src/com/example/android/skeletonapp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SkeletonApp/src/com/example/android/skeletonapp" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/AdbTest" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/MissileLauncher" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/MissileLauncher/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/MissileLauncher/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/MissileLauncher/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/MissileLauncher/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/MissileLauncher/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/MissileLauncher/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/MissileLauncher/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/MissileLauncher/src/com/android/missilelauncher" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/AdbTest/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/AdbTest/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/AdbTest/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/AdbTest/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/AdbTest/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/AdbTest/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/USB/AdbTest/src/com/android/adb" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothChat/src/com/example/android/BluetoothChat" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BackupRestore/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BackupRestore/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BackupRestore/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BackupRestore/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BackupRestore/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BackupRestore/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BackupRestore/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BackupRestore/src/com/example/android/backuprestore" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/res/values-v11" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/res/values-v14" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/src/com/example/android/appnavigation" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AppNavigation/src/com/example/android/appnavigation/app" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com/example/android/rs" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/RenderScript/HelloCompute/src/com/example/android/rs/hellocompute" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/res/values-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/res/values-xlarge" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/res/values-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WidgetPreview/src/com/android/widgetpreview" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/WiktionarySimple/src/com/example/android/simplewiktionary" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/XmlAdapters/src/com/example/android/xmladapters" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/HelloSpellChecker" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/SampleSpellCheckerService" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/SampleSpellCheckerService/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/SampleSpellCheckerService/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/SampleSpellCheckerService/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/SampleSpellCheckerService/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/SampleSpellCheckerService/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/SampleSpellCheckerService/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/SampleSpellCheckerService/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/SampleSpellCheckerService/src/com/example/android/samplespellcheckerservice" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/HelloSpellChecker/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/HelloSpellChecker/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/HelloSpellChecker/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/HelloSpellChecker/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/HelloSpellChecker/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/HelloSpellChecker/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/HelloSpellChecker/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SpellChecker/HelloSpellChecker/src/com/example/android/hellospellchecker" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/server" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/server/linux" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ToyVpn/src/com/example/android/toyvpn" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/values-v13" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/values-v11" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/drawable-xhdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/layout-v11" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/ActionBarCompat/src/com/example/android/actionbarcompat" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/res/values-land" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/res/xml" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/src/com/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/src/com/android/inputmethodcommon" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/SoftKeyboard/src/com/example/android/softkeyboard" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/res/drawable-xhdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HelloEffects/src/com/example/android/mediafx" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/layout-large" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable-nodpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/layout-large-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/res/values-large-port" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/HoneycombGallery/src/com/example/android/hcgallery" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/res/drawable" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/res/drawable-xhdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/src/com/example/bluetooth" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/BluetoothHDP/src/com/example/bluetooth/health" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/res/menu" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/res/drawable-hdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/res/drawable-xhdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/res/drawable-ldpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/res/drawable-mdpi" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/src/com" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/src/com/example" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/src/com/example/android" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/AndroidBeamDemo/src/com/example/android/beam" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Spinner/src" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Spinner/res" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Spinner/res/values" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: Failed to create watch for "/home/arktouros/android-sdks/samples/android-16/Spinner/res/layout" No space left on device
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: User limit reached. Count:  8130
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:06 arktouros baloo_file[443]: KDE Baloo Filewatch service reached the inotify folder watch limit. File changes may be ignored.
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: "Using saveLocation /home/arktouros/.local/share/kwalletd"
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: Setting useNewHash to true
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros kwalletd5[572]: Wallet new enough, using new hash
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: need-auth -> prepare (reason 'none') [60 40 0]
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none') [40 50 0]
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: (wifi) connection 'stalinwlan' has security, and secrets exist.  No new secrets needed.
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Config: added 'ssid' value 'stalinwlan'
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Config: added 'scan_ssid' value '1'
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Config: added 'key_mgmt' value 'WPA-PSK'
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Config: added 'psk' value '<omitted>'
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Config: set interface ap_scan to 1
Jan 30 15:07:47 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: inactive -> scanning
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: scanning -> associating
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros kernel: wl0: link up (wlp8s0)
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: associating -> associated
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: associated -> 4-way handshake
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: 4-way handshake -> completed
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: (wifi) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.  Connected to wireless network 'stalinwlan'.
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none') [50 70 0]
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Activation (wlp8s0) Beginning DHCPv4 transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  dhcpcd started with pid 576
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros dhcpcd[576]: version 6.6.7 starting
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros dhcpcd[576]: DUID 00:01:00:01:1b:bc:8a:cd:ec:f4:bb:90:37:06
Jan 30 15:07:48 arktouros dhcpcd[576]: wlp8s0: IAID 87:e2:43:9f
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros dhcpcd[576]: wlp8s0: rebinding lease of
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros dhcpcd[576]: wlp8s0: leased for 259200 seconds
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlp8s0.IPv4 with address
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: New relevant interface wlp8s0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros dhcpcd[576]: wlp8s0: adding route to
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Registering new address record for on wlp8s0.IPv4.
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>    address
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>    plen 24 (
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>    gateway
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>    server identifier
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>    lease time 259200
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>    nameserver ''
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>    wins ''
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): DHCPv4 state changed unknown -> bound
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Configure Commit) scheduled...
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Commit) started...
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: ip-config -> ip-check (reason 'none') [70 80 0]
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Commit) complete.
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: ip-check -> secondaries (reason 'none') [80 90 0]
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): device state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'none') [90 100 0]
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_LOCAL
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_GLOBAL
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Policy set 'stalinwlan' (wlp8s0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  Writing DNS information to /usr/bin/resolvconf
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): Activation: successful, device activated.
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service'
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: void NetworkManager::NetworkManagerPrivate::propertiesChanged(const QVariantMap&) Unhandled property "PrimaryConnectionType"
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros dbus[273]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher'
Jan 30 15:07:49 arktouros dhcpcd[576]: wlp8s0: soliciting an IPv6 router
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Calling notify on "Popup"
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros avahi-daemon[274]: Registering new address record for fe80::3623:87ff:fee2:439f on wlp8s0.*.
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros dhcpcd[576]: wlp8s0: Router Advertisement from fe80::1
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros NetworkManager[277]: <info>  (wlp8s0): DHCPv4 state changed bound -> unknown
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros dhcpcd[576]: wlp8s0: requesting DHCPv6 information
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 128571
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' : 128571
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation: No client active, allowing
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x313e8f0) true false false
Jan 30 15:07:50 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 41943082 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' true
Jan 30 15:07:55 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:07:55 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 135574
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 41943091 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' : 135574
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation: No client active, allowing
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:07:57 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:07:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 138865
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 41943091 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' : 138865
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation: No client active, allowing
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:00 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:02 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:03 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/dolphin" (pid 632) up and running.
Jan 30 15:08:03 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 33330, resource id: 54525953, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:08:03 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 33342, resource id: 54525954, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:08:07 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 36558, resource id: 60817409, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:08:07 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 36588, resource id: 60817410, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: check_startup
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 141071
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 54525970 ;WMCLASS: "dolphin" : "dolphin" ;Caption: "arktouros – Dolphin" ' : 141071
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation: No client active, allowing
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: check_startup
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:08 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: Using FBConfig 0xac for visual 0xd2
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:10 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:11 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:11 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:11 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:11 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:11 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:13 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:15 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:16 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:16 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:16 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:16 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:16 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 159259
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 41943091 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' : 159259
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation, compared: 'ID: 41943091 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' : 159259 : 154772 : true
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/arktouros/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 40618, resource id: 48234497, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/dropboxd" (pid 678) up and running.
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 40622, resource id: 48234498, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:26 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:36 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Got XKeyPress event
Jan 30 15:08:36 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: "Alt+F2" = "run command"
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: Got XKeyPress event
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kglobalaccel5[431]: "Alt+F1" = "activate widget 2"
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: check_startup
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 177878
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 41943091 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' : 177878
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation, compared: 'ID: 41943091 ;WMCLASS: "plasmashell" : "plasmashell" ;Caption: "Plasma" ' : 177878 : 177463 : true
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:39 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:44 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 42348, resource id: 62914561, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:08:44 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/bin/ksysguard" (pid 704) up and running.
Jan 30 15:08:44 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 42352, resource id: 62914562, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:08:44 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= ":1.35" newAppId= ":1.35" pendingAppId= "org.kde.ksysguard"
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[413]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: appId= "org.kde.ksysguard-704" newAppId= "org.kde.ksysguard" pendingAppId= "org.kde.ksysguard"
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString."
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros ksysguardd[707]: cannot open config file '"/etc/ksysguarddrc"'
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: check_startup
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 182672
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 60817414 ;WMCLASS: "ksysguard" : "ksysguard" ;Caption: "System Monitor β€” System Monitor" ' : 182672
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation, compared: 'ID: 60817414 ;WMCLASS: "ksysguard" : "ksysguard" ;Caption: "System Monitor β€” System Monitor" ' : 182672 : 177463 : true
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:08:45 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:08:51 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'b' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:51 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:51 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:51 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:53 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'b' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:53 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:53 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:53 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:55 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'b' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:55 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:55 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:55 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:57 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'b' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:57 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:57 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:57 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:59 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'b' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:59 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:59 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:08:59 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:09:01 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'b' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:09:01 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:09:01 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:09:01 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:09:03 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'b' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:09:03 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:09:03 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:09:03 arktouros ksysguard[704]: "Tag 'br' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><b>baloo_file</b><br />Process ID: 443<br />Parent: kdein...}."
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  4882
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  4882
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Kbd backlight brightness value:  0
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Can't contact ck
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: set screen brightness value:  2441
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: OUTPUT PROPERTY
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Output:  121
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Property:  Backlight
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: State (newValue, Deleted):  0
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Created alarm 23068682
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  2441
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Brightness changed!!
Jan 30 15:11:20 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value max:  4882
Jan 30 15:11:23 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 50162, resource id: 25165833, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  2441
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Can't contact ck
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: set screen brightness value:  610
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: OUTPUT PROPERTY
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Output:  121
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Property:  Backlight
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: State (newValue, Deleted):  0
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  610
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Brightness changed!!
Jan 30 15:12:35 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value max:  4882
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  610
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Can't contact ck
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: set screen brightness value:  0
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: OUTPUT PROPERTY
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Output:  121
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Property:  Backlight
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: State (newValue, Deleted):  0
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  0
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Brightness changed!!
Jan 30 15:13:50 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value max:  4882
Jan 30 15:14:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: virtual void NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&) Unhandled property "AccessPoints"
Jan 30 15:14:58 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: virtual void NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&) Unhandled property "AccessPoints"
Jan 30 15:15:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Can't contact ck
Jan 30 15:15:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: set screen brightness value:  4882
Jan 30 15:15:21 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: OUTPUT PROPERTY
Jan 30 15:15:21 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Output:  121
Jan 30 15:15:21 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: Property:  Backlight
Jan 30 15:15:21 arktouros kscreen_backend_launcher[439]: kscreen.xcb.helper: State (newValue, Deleted):  0
Jan 30 15:15:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  4882
Jan 30 15:15:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Brightness changed!!
Jan 30 15:15:21 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Screen brightness value max:  4882
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: check_startup
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 592368
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 60817447 ;WMCLASS: "ksysguard" : "ksysguard" ;Caption: "End Process β€” System Monitor" ' : 592368
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation: Belongs to active application
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros ksysguard[704]: kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/arktouros/.cache/ksycoca5"
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Calling notify on "Sound"
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::LoadingState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Calling notify on "Taskbar"
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros ksysguard[704]: 0 60817447
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::LoadingState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::StoppedState  to  Phonon::PausedState
Jan 30 15:15:34 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::PausedState  to  Phonon::PlayingState
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Closing notification 1
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros ksysguard[704]: not found dbus id to close 1
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::PlayingState  to  Phonon::PausedState
Jan 30 15:15:36 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::PausedState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Calling notify on "Sound"
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::LoadingState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: WARNING: Phonon::createPath: Cannot connect  Phonon::MediaObject ( no objectName ) to  Phonon::AudioOutput ( no objectName ).
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Calling notify on "Taskbar"
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: 0 60817454
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: check_startup
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 610730
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 60817454 ;WMCLASS: "ksysguard" : "ksysguard" ;Caption: "End Process β€” System Monitor" ' : 610730
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Activation: Belongs to active application
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::LoadingState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::StoppedState  to  Phonon::PausedState
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::PausedState  to  Phonon::PlayingState
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::PlayingState  to  Phonon::PausedState
Jan 30 15:15:52 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::PausedState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Closing notification 2
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros ksysguard[704]: not found dbus id to close 2
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: screens:  1 desktops:  4
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kwin_x11[441]: kwin_core: Done.
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Enabled: false
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Handler: 0
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Exclude: 0x0  Match?  false
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: false
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: Gesture ungrab
Jan 30 15:15:54 arktouros ksysguard[704]: Changing audio state from  Phonon::LoadingState  to  Phonon::StoppedState
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: [drm] enabling PCIE gen 2 link speeds, disable with radeon.pcie_gen2=0
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: [drm] PCIE GART of 1024M enabled (table at 0x0000000000274000).
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: WB enabled
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 0 use gpu addr 0x0000000040000c00 and cpu addr 0xffff88008ffdec00
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 3 use gpu addr 0x0000000040000c0c and cpu addr 0xffff88008ffdec0c
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: radeon 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 5 use gpu addr 0x0000000000072118 and cpu addr 0xffffc90022032118
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: [drm] ring test on 0 succeeded in 1 usecs
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: [drm] ring test on 3 succeeded in 3 usecs
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: [drm] ring test on 5 succeeded in 2 usecs
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: [drm] UVD initialized successfully.
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: [drm] ib test on ring 0 succeeded in 0 usecs
Jan 30 15:16:07 arktouros kernel: [drm] ib test on ring 3 succeeded in 0 usecs
Jan 30 15:16:08 arktouros kernel: [drm] ib test on ring 5 succeeded
Jan 30 15:16:08 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: ACTIVE SESSION PATH CHANGED: "/"
Jan 30 15:16:08 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Switched to inactive session - leaving unchanged
Jan 30 15:16:16 arktouros login[732]: pam_unix(login:session): session opened for user arktouros by LOGIN(uid=0)
Jan 30 15:16:16 arktouros systemd-logind[275]: New session c3 of user arktouros.
Jan 30 15:16:16 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: ACTIVE SESSION PATH CHANGED: "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c3"
Jan 30 15:16:16 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: powerdevil: Current session is now inactive
Jan 30 15:16:16 arktouros login[732]: LOGIN ON tty2 BY arktouros
Jan 30 15:16:54 arktouros kdeinit5[415]: libnm-qt: virtual void NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&) Unhandled property "AccessPoints"

Can you still access the dbus interfaces of the "frozen" processes?
Does suspending the compositor (SHIFT+Alt+F12) "unfreeze" things?
Registered Member
luebking wrote:Can you still access the dbus interfaces of the "frozen" processes?

i dont know how to access the dbus interface.

luebking wrote:Does suspending the compositor (SHIFT+Alt+F12) "unfreeze" things?

No it does not.
Code: Select all
qdbus org.kde.plasmashell
(assuming plasmashell is the frozen process. just "qdbus" will print all registered services)
Registered Member
luebking wrote:
Code: Select all
qdbus org.kde.plasmashell
(assuming plasmashell is the frozen process. just "qdbus" will print all registered services)

Code: Select all
$ sudo qdbus org.kde.plasmashell
[sudo] password for arktouros:
Service 'org.kde.plasmashell' does not exist.
$ qdbus org.kde.plasmashell
Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply
Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

Code: Select all
$ qdbus
$ sudo qdbus org.kde.plasmashell
[sudo] password for arktouros:
Service 'org.kde.plasmashell' does not exist.

Yeah, no ;-)

$ qdbus org.kde.plasmashell
Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply
Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

I assume this took a considerable time until the message appeared (several seconds, like 25?)
The process deadlocked somewhere and does not longer process events.

-> You can gdb into it when it hangs and check, "where" (you'll likely have to log in from VT1, if - as you said - everything (?!) freezes

When the desktop is frozen, do:
Code: Select all
$ echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
# this will allow to gdb attach
$ gdb --pid `pidof plasmashell` 2>&1 | gdb.log
> bt
[press enter until there's no more output]
> detach
> quit
Registered Member
it takes a while for everything to freeze.

plasma widgets and panel freeze after 60 sec or so.

weird thing is that even with plasmashell frozen everything else works (effects, windows, Konsole etc..)

Code: Select all
$ gdb --pid `pidof plasmashell` 2>&1
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.8.2
Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
Attaching to process 440
Reading symbols from /usr/bin/plasmashell...(no debugging symbols found)...done.

warning: Could not load shared library symbols for
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
[New LWP 559]
[New LWP 558]
[New LWP 554]
[New LWP 553]
[New LWP 552]
[New LWP 551]
[New LWP 550]
[New LWP 549]
[New LWP 546]
[New LWP 545]
[New LWP 544]
[New LWP 542]
[New LWP 535]
[New LWP 506]
[New LWP 505]
[New LWP 502]
[New LWP 501]
[New LWP 500]
[New LWP 499]
[New LWP 498]
[New LWP 497]
[New LWP 496]
[New LWP 495]
[New LWP 494]
[New LWP 493]
[New LWP 475]
[New LWP 453]
[New LWP 447]
[New LWP 441]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/".
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/pulseaudio/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/pulseaudio/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforms/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforms/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platformthemes/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platformthemes/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforminputcontexts/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/styles/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/styles/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/QtQuick.2/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/QtQuick.2/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/core/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/core/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/components/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/components/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/solid/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/solid/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/platformcomponents/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/platformcomponents/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kio/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kio/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/QtQuick/Window.2/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/QtQuick/Window.2/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kquickcontrolsaddons/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kquickcontrolsaddons/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/draganddrop/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/draganddrop/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/folder/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/folder/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kcoreaddons/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kcoreaddons/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/wallpapers/image/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/wallpapers/image/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/kickoff/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/kickoff/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/pager/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/pager/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/taskmanager/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/taskmanager/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/private/systemtray/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/private/systemtray/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/digitalclock/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/digitalclock/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/calendar/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/calendar/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/battery/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/battery/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/notifications/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/notifications/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/dataengine/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/networkmanagement/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/plasma/networkmanagement/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
0x00007faf7c81a61d in nanosleep () from /usr/lib/

Code: Select all
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007faf7c81a61d in nanosleep () from /usr/lib/
#1  0x00007faf7cf6d1ad in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#2  0x00007faf7ceb79d8 in QThread::msleep(unsigned long) () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x00007faf7cfc9340 in QLockFile::tryLock(int) () from /usr/lib/
#4  0x00007faf7e10f989 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#5  0x00007faf7e0f1c56 in KConfig::sync() () from /usr/lib/
#6  0x00007faf80479f13 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#7  0x00007faf80482445 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#8  0x00007faf7d0d2339 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/
#9  0x00007faf7d0e00a8 in QTimer::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) () from /usr/lib/
#10 0x00007faf7d0d3473 in QObject::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/
#11 0x00007faf7db91d8c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/
#12 0x00007faf7db97370 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/
#13 0x00007faf7d0a2a9b in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/
#14 0x00007faf7d0f8f6d in QTimerInfoList::activateTimers() () from /usr/lib/
#15 0x00007faf7d0f93b1 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#16 0x00007faf78b99a0d in g_main_context_dispatch () from /usr/lib/
#17 0x00007faf78b99cf8 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#18 0x00007faf78b99dac in g_main_context_iteration () from /usr/lib/
#19 0x00007faf7d0fa08c in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/
#20 0x00007faf7d0a0532 in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/
#21 0x00007faf7d0a7f0c in QCoreApplication::exec() () from /usr/lib/
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#22 0x000000000042e73f in main ()

are you pehaps out of space (/tmp, /var, or /home)? - or maybe lack write permissions?
Registered Member

I think its resolved clearing ~/.cache/ did the trick.

Registered Member
I had the same issue and clearing .cache indeed fixes the issue. Question is: why? What is cached that could have caused this issue?
One can only say that the cache has been corrupted "somehow" - this can be
- a bug in a client writing to the cache
- due to "out of space" (ie. /var is full)
- some client (*cough* bleachbit *couch*) DELIBERATELY damaging the cache.

No other info can be provided by static data.
If you're not out of space and run "some application" and afterwards things go south, "some application" is likely the culprit.


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