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Feature Suggestion: Keyframable Speed Control Effect

What would be your level of interest in a keyframable "Speed" effect

Poll ended at Fri May 21, 2021 3:46 pm

5 - I'd be very interested
No votes
3 - I can see the value, but not needed
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1 - I'd never use it
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Total votes : 2

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Hello. I'm curious: where is the best place to make new feature suggestions? Is it here or somewhere else? If somewhere else, please suggest where and how and I'd be happy to post the following in that location.

If here - I would like to suggest a keyframable speed control effect. Others have posted similar thoughts about this as well, but not recently. I have been playing around with slowmoVideo to interpolate frames and, while it's incredible, it's not really useful for changing speed based on, for example, the drop in a music track on my timeline where synching video and audio can be very impactful.

So my workflow might look something like this:
  • Import a high constant fps clip and drop it on my Kdenlive timeline. The clip may have been originally captured at, say 120 fps, on my camera -or- the high fps may have been created externally using a tool like slowmoVideo to interpolate additional frames
  • I would then add a "Speed" effect to the clip on my Kdenlive timeline where I can add key frames to increase or decrease the speed value of the clip (preferably with the ability to use smooth key frames - but linear would be better than nothing) - sort of like the "Transform" effect or something similar, where I can currently increase the zoom or position - in this case, it would be a slider (or even better, a bezier curve) to change the speed of the track between keyframes based on the current speed value limits already available in Kdenlive on a per-clip basis (1%-4160.26% from what I can tell). But I think a subset of those values would also be acceptable (e.g. 10-1000% on a keyframe would likely be fine for the sake of simplicity).

Obviously, this would be more difficult to implement than something like the transform effect because the total number of keyframes in a clip on your timeline would change each time you updated a keyframe value. In the case where you increase the speed of the clip, the clip would become shorter than it originally was and the keyframes toward the end of your clip may no longer fall within the clip on your timeline anymore. So perhaps it would be best to tie keyframes to a percentage of the clip length rather than to a specific keyframe/timestamp (seconds) on the clip.

Not sure what the best option would be to overcome that obstacle, but I do think the new "Speed" effect would be a real value-added feature that I would personally use very often. I used to use Adobe Premiere Pro until I finally made the switch to Kdenlive about a year ago. This is really the last feature (for me) that I used to use extensively in Premiere that I can't really replicate with Kdenlive. At least, not without a lot of extra work.
Registered Member
oh how nice, keyframable speed! That would be wonderful. That's the one feature I had in Cinelerra GG and now miss very much.
This is not a gimmick, but helps to go over small mistakes, stumbles a bit faster in spoken texts or if there are too few pauses in the clip, to extend them smoothly.
It would be a very helpful feature that would make me very happy.
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It's planed to arrive on master soon, and it's already available on the daily builds :)
Registered Member
Registered Member
oooh, I'm totally excited and really looking forward to this feature in Kdenlive.
Finally I can fully enjoy my switch from Windows to Manjaro Linux.
Thanks for the info and thanks to the people who make it happen.


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