FolderViewer to add in the taskbar a folder, it also works on the desktop, displaying the content to move the mouse to click and open.
When you insert a folder in the taskbar of KDE it to behave like the place a folder on the desktop.
You hover the mouse over it displays the content, not needing to use the Dolphin to access the files in the folder.
Is not equal, see a folder on the desktop using the KDE 4.3 SVN
Just passing the mouse it expands the content and display all content, no clicks required.
Folderview and quickaccess are not as efficient in the task bar, do the test and see.
See the screenshots
Just passing the mouse several folders were opened up and got a file in various subfolders without having to click or open the dolphin, clean, fast and easy.
It is a very pleasant way of viewing and has been implemented on the desktop, I just want it to be included the option of using it also in the bar KDE
Very Good
Not so good :-S
Last edited by Primoz on Wed May 20, 2009 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm sorry to inform you that your idea doesn't reach the requirements of an actual idea. That mostly because of the vagueness of the idea. I suspect that you used a translation tool to help you with writing ideas.
If you can please re-write them somehow, that would be great. Thank you for posting ideas to improve KDE
Primoz, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.